Danijel Fabijan   Zagreb, Grad Zagreb, Croatia
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23 hodin celkem
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127 hodin celkem
Naposledy hráno 5. zář.
Zex 31. led. v 6.01 
Hey, can you please accept my friendship, I'm not a bot and I just wanna ask you a few things about humble bundle, I don't send links and not trying to scam, just your profile and groups seem as you have been using humble bundle for some time, so maybe you got a few extras and we might do a few trades?
hipnaba 20. čvc. 2012 v 12.00 
slone jedan
Vanja 18. čvc. 2012 v 11.01 
E vidim da nemaš komentara pa reko evo ti jedan da ne budeš tužan.