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Останні рецензії користувача FrattoMahn

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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
1,422.6 год. загалом (729.7 год на момент рецензування)
I play this game before 0.49 patch, it's been a long road from the old times to now. Dayz its that kind of game that you love or really hate. Personally i'm in love with this game since it come out, I played it during the past years and lived a lot of funny adventures with my friends. I Still love this game from the old blurred screen bug after you get shot, from the first veichle that you use for going underwater and drive to prison iland. I remember some location and spots just as I do in real life and I think this is the most important thing in this game.
After 700h of looting and pvp with friends and alone, I still explore the lands of chernarus, finding new things, new tricks and adventure.
Don't look at this game just as a regular fps-survival, but play and enjoy the complete experience of living in a dayz life (I suggest to try during night stay crouched with a night visor in a field and listen to the enviroment around you...that kind of things still impress me).
Додано 30 червня 2020 р..
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