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总时数 14.0 小时 (评测时 10.4 小时)
"A man chooses , a slave obeys"

From the very first moment you get thrown into the world of Bioshock , you get a sense of wonder and mystery. You start off as a regular guy minding his own business on a plane which eventually crashes into the ocean. From then on you take control of the protagonist and lead him to an abandoned lighthouse which holds the entrance to Rapture , the underwater city. After entering Rapture , you meet a mysterious man who calls himself Atlas who tells you that this city was built by a tyrannt named Andrew Ryan and talks you into helping him kill Ryan. From then on the game becomes a joyride , as you explore the amazing underwater city of Rapture and find out more about the plot as you progress. If you want to get the most out of the plot , I recommend finding and listening to all the audio logs scattered throught the game.

The core elements of the game are the multitude of guns and powers you get as you progress through the story. At the beginning of the game , the protagonist injects himself with a strange serum named "plasmid" which is made using compressed ADAM. Each plasmid does something different , from electric , fire and ice damage to telekynesis and even a swarm of insects. The guns you get are pretty awesome too , but sadly , they are outshined by the powers which are way cooler.

The game puts great emphasis on decision making. Earlier I mentioned a substance called ADAM. If you harvest enough of it , you can get awesome new powers and upgrades , now the real question is how you choose to do it. Through Rapture , creatures known as "Little Sisters" roam freely and collect stuff they come across. Now these Little Sisters are your main source of ADAM and you must harvest it from them. The only problem is , they are protected by genetically enhaced humans who had their body replaced by a big diving suit called "Big Daddy". In order to get the ADAM you have to kill the Big Daddy and then find his respective Little Sister. But there's two ways of collecting ADAM from her , one is to harvest it directly which will kill her in the process and the other is to rescue her which will turn her back into a normal girl but you recieve less ADAM. This will also affect the game's outcome. Atlas tells you to go with the more efficient way aka killing them but if you don't , you will gain trust of a woman called Tennenbaum which will be of great help later on.

Surviving in Rapture isn't easy as you need to constantly collect medical kits and EVE (substance which powers plasmids) in order to get through all this craziness. Hacking is also a major part of the game , even though the game does not require it. If you get skilled at hacking , you're going to have an easier time surviving. The hacking system is as follows "connect the pipes before the stream catches up" just like in the old school game. You can hack almost everything from turrets to security cameras and even drones.

The game's bosses aren't anything spectacular or over the top (excpet for the final boss which I'm not going to spoil) but that just goes to show that people are the real bosses we have to overcome in life.

Overall I say this is a classic and a must play for anyone who loves stories that make you think and for everyone that enjoys a solid first person action game in general. I did not encounter any problems with the remasteres version (I might have just been lucky) but I guarantee you're going to have a good time with whichever version you choose. I give this game a solid 9.5/10
发布于 2017 年 1 月 2 日。
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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 188.0 小时 (评测时 164.4 小时)
SMITE. A different kind of MOBA.

So SMITE is a MOBA , just like League of Legends , DOTA 2 and Heroes of the Storm. Yet why do people play it instead of playing the games I metioned above? Well let me explain you. First of all SMITE is a third person game , so it gives the feeling of an adventure game more than a MOBA. That is indeed a nice change of pace in comparasion to other games.
Second of all , SMITE doesn't just throw some random characters at you. You play as gods from different cultures which all have a connection and lore of their own. This game can help you learn quite a few things about mythology.
Unlike other MOBAS , SMITE has a variety of game modes and maps. The game mode which stood out for me was Arena. In Arena the gods just basically go all out at eachother..in a arena! Seriously now don't be afraid to try SMITE , it's a really good game that can keep you busy from getting laid for a while. 8.0/10 - Good
发布于 2016 年 3 月 19 日。
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总时数 3.2 小时
140 a simple yet fun game

So 140 is a rhytm based game in which you take control of a small , black , square in his quest to...do stuff?

But the story isn't important here , because 140 greatly focuses on the gameplay which works as follows: Each level's obstacles move depending on the beat. You have to coordinate your movements with said beat and you're good. The only problem here is that the beats constantly change so you'll have to adapt really fast to the situations. It may get faster , slower or it may even be changed entierly.

The game features three levels and three bosses. Each level is unique in it's own way , from the ever changing color pallet to the style of beat which you'll have to adapt to. Each level holds a special item which will help you progress to the next level if you bring it to the hub world.

Now I mentioned something about there being three bosses. This seemed really awesome at first because I did not expect such a game to even have bosses and they were...interesting? I guess. The thing is each boss is a variation of gameplay you've never seen before which may seem a little out of place in the overall experience but I gotta admit that I enjoyed every single boss the game had to offer.

140 is a fun little experience you can finish in about 2-3 hours. If you're looking to kill some time or if you want a decent rhytm based challenge , this game got you covered. The game is worth it's current price and it does exactly what it needs to , even stepping out of it's comfort zone if necessary (mostly with the bosses). I can safely give this game my rating of 7.5/10
发布于 2016 年 3 月 19 日。 最后编辑于 2017 年 1 月 3 日。
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总时数 30.6 小时 (评测时 15.1 小时)
100% Orange Juice: The madness of a tabletop game now on your PC!

The game plays just as any classic tabletop game: you roll the dice , move the amount of squares you rolled and then wait for your turn. But 100% Orange Juice puts it's twist on the tabletop genre adding many more fun things such as changing one of the core mechanics of most tabletop games. Usually tabletop games require you to get to the end goal in order to win , but in 100% Orange Juice there is no end goal. The map is just a massive circle. This had me really confused at first , but then I realized what the end goal really was.

Points. Each level requires you to get a certain amount of points in order to win. You can get points by stepping on blocks that give you coins , fighting mobs such as chickens or monsters and by fighting other players. You may gave noticed a pattern by now , but fighting is another core mechanic of the game. Your attacking , dodging and evading skills all depend on the character you choose.

The fighting works just like in any turn based RPG: You attack , dodge or evade the opponent's attack then you attack again. Simple as that , yet , if you don't know all the character's stats , you may have a bad time figuring which option to choose.

The game features many unique and colorful characters , many of them being from the developer's other games which means that this is a massive crossover game. You don't need to play the developer's other games in order to get the basic idea about each character's personality , because that's why you have the story mode.

I was really hesitant to metion the story mode until now just because it is so confusing and ovet the top , but I'll try my best to explain it as briefly as possible. So one day this guy named Kai drops his wallet on the street and as he reaches for it , a little girl named Marie Poppo comes and steals it. As Kai chases the little girl , he discovers more people who had something stolen from them by the same girl. After chasing the girl some more , you find out that she was working for some kind of evil overlord girl named Tomomo who was behind this all along. You beat her , get your stuff back and keep your new friends. Well that's the basic premise of the plot.

The story mode features 5 characters with 5 chapters each but unfortunatley all the character's stories are just retelling of the story I mentioned above but from a different point of view. I recommend finishing all the stories though because some dialogue is changed and so is the ending depending on the character. If you're not interested in the full story , you can get the most out of it just by playing Kai's campagin but you wouldn't get all the cards.

Cards are another one of the game's mechanics , each card granting you unique abilities and helping you in battle. There are plenty of trap , battle and boost cards and collecting them all is a real challenge. But if that's not what you came for , you can always jump straight to the multiplayer.

The multiplayer is really fun. You can play with up to 4 friends on various stages from the story mode. You can also play with random people if that's your thing but I digress. The multiplayer can bring countless hours of enjoyment out of the game.

100% Orange Juice is a criminally fun game to play either alone or with friends once you get a hang of all the mechanics. Even if you're not into the chibi aesthethic of the game , you can at least give it a chance just for the charm and humor of the characters. Now that I drank all my OJ I can rate this game a solid 8/10
发布于 2016 年 3 月 19 日。 最后编辑于 2017 年 1 月 3 日。
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