:winter2019surprisedyul:TWICE! :steamthumbsup:
Artwork Showcase

First game ever played was Counter Strike 1.6 :steamhappy::steammocking:

Plays as Support Player :bandages1:
Back on the grind to get my rank back!


Ranks Achieved
Silver Elite :PH_Yes:
Silver Elite Master :PH_Yes:
Gold Nova I :PH_Yes:
Gold Nova II :PH_Yes:
Gold Nova III :PH_Yes:
Gold Nova IV :PH_Yes:
Master Guardian I :PH_Yes:
Master Guardian II :PH_Yes:
Master Guardian Elite :PH_Yes:
Distinguished Master Guardian :PH_Yes:
Legendary Eagle :PH_Yes:
Legendary Eagle Master :csgox:
Supreme Master First Class :csgox:
The Global Elite :csgox:

// Crosshair
cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0.35"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.5"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "7"
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1"
cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy "0"
cl_crosshair_sniper_width "1"
cl_crosshairalpha "200"
cl_crosshaircolor "1"
cl_crosshaircolor_b "50"
cl_crosshaircolor_g "250"
cl_crosshaircolor_r "50"
cl_crosshairdot "1"
cl_crosshairgap "-1"
cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0"
cl_crosshairscale "0"
cl_crosshairsize "5"
cl_crosshairstyle "4"
cl_crosshairthickness "1.15"
cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
cl_fixedcrosshairgap "3"
cl_bobcycle "2" // 0.98 is enforced by ESEA/ESL
cl_bob_lower_amt "5"
cl_bobamt_lat "0.1"
cl_bobamt_vert "0.1"

// Radar Setting
cl_radar_always_centered "1"
cl_radar_scale "0.4"
cl_hud_radar_scale "1.15"
cl_radar_icon_scale_min "0.8"
cl_radar_rotate "1"
cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard "1"
bind "KP_plus" "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1.0 0.05";
bind "KP_minus" "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1.0 -0.05";

// Binds
bind mwheelup +jump
bind mwheeldown +jump
bind p "say glhf"
bind o "say gh"
bind l "say ggwp"
bind j "use weapon_knife; use weapon_c4; drop; slot2; slot1"
bind k "toggle net_graph; cl_showpos"
bind i "toggle gameinstructor_enable"
bind F "use weapon_knife;use weapon_flashbang"
bind "h" "use weapon_knife;use weapon_smokegrenade"
bind "4" "use weapon_knife;use weapon_hegrenade"
bind "F1" "use weapon_knife;use weapon_molotov;use weapon_incgrenade"
bind "t" "+lookatweapon;+cl_show_team_equipment"
bind "n" +jumpthrow
alias +jumpthrow "+jump;-attack;-attack2"
alias -jumpthrow "-jump"
bind "shift" "+speed; r_cleardecals"

// BuyBinds
bind "rightarrow" " buy flashbang; buy flashbang; buy smokegrenade; buy molotov; buy incgrenade; buy incgrenade; buy molotov;"
bind "downarrow" " buy defuser;"
bind "uparrow" "buy m4a1; buy ak47; buy vesthelm; buy vest;"
bind "leftarrow" "buy awp; buy vesthelm; buy vest;"
bind "del" "buy p250;"
bind "End" "buy deagle; buy revolver;"
bind "pgdn" "buy mac10; buy mp9;"
bind "pgup" "buy aug; buy sg556;"
bind "Home" "buy ssg08;"
bind "ins" "buy famas; buy galilar;"

// Rates
rate "128000" //Max bytes per second the host can receive data
cl_cmdrate "128" //Max number of command packets sent to server per second
cl_updaterate "128" //Number of packets per second you are requesting from the server
cl_interp_ratio "1" //Sets the interpolation amount (final amount is cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate)
cl_interp "0" //Sets the interpolation amount, always set this to 0
cl_lagcompensation "1" //Lag compensation helps by eliminating combat latency from client side view
cl_predict "1" //Skip waiting for server feedback and simulate client side movement in real-time
cl_predictweapons "1" //Skip waiting for server feedback and perform client side prediction of weapon effects

// Video Setting
fps_max "999" //Max frames per second, setting it to 0 causes long loading times
fps_max_menu "245" //Max frames per second in main-menu
mat_monitorgamma "1.6" //Sets Brightness to highest, highly recommended
mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled "0" //Turn off TV Mode for less off-set light
mat_powersavingsmode "0" //Disables power saving mode
mat_queue_mode "2" //The queue/thread mode the material system should use, setting this to 2 gave me an FPS boost
r_dynamic "0" //Affects dynamic lighting, turned off for more FPS
r_drawtracers_firstperson "0" //Remove first person tracers, does not impact gameplay, just makes it easier to spray

// Net graph
fps_max "300" //Setting this to 300 for the general gamers
net_graph "1" //Shows my network usage data
net_graphheight "0" //Changes height
net_graphmsecs "400" //The latency graph represents this many milliseconds
net_graphpos "2" //Positioning of Net Graph
net_graphproportionalfont "0" //Makes font smaller
net_graphshowinterp "1" //Shows interpolation value
net_graphshowlatency "1" //Shows latency value
net_graphsolid "1" //Solid Net Graph
net_graphtext "1" //Shows text fields
net_maxroutable "1200" //Requested max packet size before packets are 'split'
net_scale "5" //Makes font smaller

// Sound
voice_scale "0.4" //Turns down the volume of other players voice to 40%
snd_mixahead "0.05" //Makes sound as instant as it can get, making it easier to hear small things
snd_musicvolume "0.1" //Turns off all music, easier to focus

echo Config Loaded (CSGO BINDS-high)

Loves to play and eat at the same time :)

Good Luck Have Fun GAMERS! :)
Recent Activity
1,442 hrs on record
last played on 20 Jan
1,793 hrs on record
last played on 20 Jan
709 hrs on record
last played on 25 Dec, 2024
Atroc1ous.88rising 27 Apr, 2021 @ 7:50am 
+rep thanks for your gift!
Leave me alone !!! 20 Jul, 2018 @ 4:04am 
+Rep Pro gamer :steamhappy:
Lucky 28 Mar, 2018 @ 12:22am