Sam   United States
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Review Showcase
334 Hours played
Oh boy, H1Z1 a game where you never know what will happen. Will you spawn in the big city and get yourself into awesome gunfights.....? No not at all you'll spend a few minutes waiting in the lobby for the game to start whilst white kids pretending to be Chinese scream racial slurs at you and chant China #1. Somehow they have the same ping as someone from Hong-Kong, and are still allowed to play (even tho Daybreak has an awesome feature that works 100% of the time to keep players on servers within a certain ping) with the normal players. Then get ready for an all out fun time.... Loading...... get ready to spawn in 10 seconds late use the dumb ass parachute mechanics to throw yourself to the ground and loot 1 of 5 different houses in the game. Pickup a gun after searching 12 houses, and pressing E 6 1/2 times until it actually is picked up. reload several times because only one time won't be good enough. Then Proceed to find your "prey" hunt them and get ready to attack. Pull out your shotgun and aim for whatever because the chances of hitting your target are about .0008%. Then pull out your AR-15 and start shooting only for your camera to randomly be pointed at the ground, somehow recover and kill the guy standing still afk. Hunt for your next victim and as you walk through a field, get ready to be surprise attacked by a guy in a cop car. watch helplessly as he jumps out at 85 mph skips across the field barely visible to your sharp set of eyes and get two tapped by the same kid who said he "♥♥♥♥♥♥ your mother" in the lobby. Get mad as he says ♥♥♥♥ in a Chinese accent with the name "tingwowloak" and proceed to play another because nobody else can make a semi decent battle royal game!
