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Publicada: 16 set. 2024 às 3:43

Return to Moria strikes an excellent balance for the casual gamer who wants to explore at their own pace while also presenting complexity in largely optional In Game Mechanics. Never once does it feel overwhelming, or too difficult. Tense, Dramatic and engaging to be sure, but never so brutal that you feel as though you cannot make any progress. Graphically it runs beautifully on PC. There are small moments of stutter here and there ( I attribute these to areas Loading ahead of your Character? ) but otherwise it is wonderfully smooth, textures are amazing and the lighting with the new Content Patch will be even more engaging.

Atmospherically you feel as though you are in Moria just as in the Movies, while the game provides Voice Over for your entry to new Areas there are vocal queues when Enemies approach and from the enemies themselves, also when you discover new Recipes and whatnot. There are even songs for your Mining and Mead drinking to be enjoyed.

Character creation is more robust that I had expected. You get to choose what Region of Middle Earth your Dwarf hails from and it presents costume options relevant to that selection.

All in All, for the Price it is currently on Sale for (less than $30 Canadian) there is no doubt that this game is more than worth its weight in gold!
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