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Non recommandé
0.0 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 3.2 h en tout
Évaluation publiée le 27 mars à 20h44

Absolute failure of a game.

You will have to Google every single quest, as the game tells you nothing. The quest markers show incorrect locations. The main story quests have to be discovered, and there is no indication which quests advance the story and unlock new areas.

On gamepad, most games show you A,B,X,Y or similar. This game shows you numbers(!) from 1 to 12. Every game on the planet manages to show you which button to press, but not this game. Their UX designer is evidently the worst on the planet, failing to do what everyone else can do with ease. When being attacked by a wolf, you're supposed to press (x+) and (x-). What buttons are those? 'Press 9 to open Inventory'... on a gamepad?!

Take note of the developers, and never buy anything they make.
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