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게시 일시: 2023년 8월 28일 오후 12시 32분
제품 환불받음

Invisible walls and nonsensical hitboxes break the game.

Some devs deserve unemployment, like the ones in charge of this game's combat.

The first boss needs to be meleed, but will fly to safety past an invisible wall. Putting up an invisible wall on an open field is immersion-breaking and lazy. Invisible walls are the crutch of the incompetent developer.

When you finally get in range for a hit, it turns out the enemy's "nose" doesn't have as hitbox, and your blade flies straight through the enemy without doing damage. Knowing these things you can adapt and beat the fight, but the real struggle is dealing with FromSoftware's inpetitude. The devs employed amateurs for this game, and it shows.

Got my refund, will think twice next time the same people release a game.
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