Harry   Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Hey Siri, get a load of this simp.
현재 오프라인
The waiter says "Say When", grating the parmesan cheese over my pizza. Foolish mistake. Anyone should know that there is no "when". As parmesan fills the restaurant, the pizza only gets better. After only an hour, the restaurants interior its completely filled with parmesan, killing twenty. But the resuraunt is only the beginning. Next the USA will be taken by parmesan, a force stronger than anyone could have anticipated. After that comes the world. Consider this a warning, to get to a foreign planet immediately. At least that will provide temporary safety, until the parmesan rises to mars. At that point, there will be enough cheese on my pizza, and I will be ready to eat.
좋아하는 게임
Nelson_Mandela 2022년 11월 11일 오후 6시 26분 
Hey, about that problem you were telling me about. Hemorrhoids are vascular structures in the anal canal which help with stool control. They become pathological or piles when swollen or inflamed. In their physiological state, they act as a cushion composed of arterio-venous channels and connective tissue. The symptoms of pathological hemorrhoids depend on the type present. Internal hemorrhoids usually present with painless rectal bleeding while external hemorrhoids may produce few symptoms or if thrombosed significant pain and swelling in the area of the anus. Many people incorrectly refer to any symptom occurring around the anal-rectal area as "hemorrhoids" and serious causes of the symptoms should be ruled out. While the exact cause of hemorrhoids remains unknown, a number of factors which increase intra-abdominal pressure, in particular constipation, are believed to play a role in their development. Hope it gets better soon, bro.
Harriago 2022년 10월 12일 오전 9시 16분 
Hello Smithers. You’re quite good at turning me on.
Ratty 2021년 7월 7일 오후 4시 25분 
It's coming home
kaya 2021년 2월 19일 오후 11시 33분 
- rep worst brit ive ever met
mellowisp 2021년 1월 30일 오후 9시 13분 
Best lil gummy bear i know <3
TheRhythmHasMe 2020년 12월 29일 오후 8시 14분 
This is the colony I've spent days building. It started out as 3 survivors and a stack of wood. After many hours of hard work they'd recruited new members, lost others along the way, farmed all the food under the sun, fought off bandits and aliens, tamed wild animals, built rooms, houses, freezers, electrical grids, prisons, hospitals, even a beacon used to trade with space stations... Dumbo, the colony's egghead responsible for researching new technologies, had just discovered how to scan deep into mountains and detect rare materials used for autoturrets. Life was looking good. This is how they all met their death. A herd of 4 buffalo, out for revenge, systematically killed every colonist one by one. But it didn't stop there - they even stampeded the 2 pet huskies. Years of survival, hours of toiling in fields and workshops... to be killed by 4 buffalo.