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Fire Pro Wrestling World

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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries
Brick9mm Custom Moves
Collection by Brick9mm
Custom moves made by me (that will be required to use my edits, probably).
Brick OCs - Joshi
Collection by Brick9mm
Not very many in the works, but I'm considering them separate from my main roster.
Brick OCs - Main Army
Collection by Brick9mm
My (mostly) properly updated original characters.
Collection by Brick9mm
Shoot Style Unification System Templates
Collection by Brick9mm
Templates for use in the Fire Pro SWA system that I have developed.
Brick9mm's Puroresu World
Collection by Brick9mm
My puro edits that I actually want you to download! Yes, I need to fix a lot of my old ones. Puro edits that either don't belong to any larger projects or don't belong to any remotely finished larger projects.
All Japan Pro Wrestling
Collection by Brick9mm
Modern AJPW edits that I started to make out of my disatisfaction with the edits already available on the workshop. For best results, sim them against each other, as I do not bother to take other real life edits into account aside from a few of Senator's.
Collection by Brick9mm
Wrestlers who competed in the various Japanese hardcore/"garbage" promotions.
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