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Trickshotta 30 Mar @ 7:50pm 
biggest loser on earth
Poco 17 Feb @ 12:41pm 
a chier
nezyxxl 30 Aug, 2023 @ 1:58am 
+rep killer👺
YouAreInTheWay 8 Jul, 2023 @ 10:21am 
keep reporting him on your games until he gets banned, dont be lazy and make the game better and cleaner, no one needs that kind of players around, they are a discgrace, and remember, whoever cheats on a game cheats irl too
YouAreInTheWay 8 Jul, 2023 @ 10:18am 
the funny part of this event is that they won by 16-14 because of his lack of skills and because his teammates were so hard to be carrying even while cheating, close call i guess
YouAreInTheWay 8 Jul, 2023 @ 10:13am 
haktan without feeling any shame at all obviously used aimhack on a match the match ID is the following: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_download_match%20CSGO-wRh4k-v3cJs-UJKTx-wSDP5-CebRF
at round 19, 0:55 time he jumps from short to ct on D2 and after 0.05s after my avatar shows up on his screen he fires while aiming way off and his bullet goes to the right making around 70 degrees off the angle he was actually aiming and got a perfect headshot on me with his very first bullet without even landing on the ground, i played the demo on 3.4% of the real time which means 1/30 of a second, that thing was actually no possible to be managed by any human being, no one can actually react on just 0.05s not even a pro player and this is just common sense