GussoTen -A-
A Nobody

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About me

An Aussie random kid that you may remember from the Asian minor qualifers where InKahoots famously got 16-0'd by the Legacy line-up at the time.


"Even spaghetti is straight until it's wet" - jimNeso

sometimes @dogryan100 misses frags because he is busy barking at passing cars

"This is not the school cafeteria, no cutting in line." - Australian Border officer

"The babies just keep popping out" - Spero Stathis

"Hey man, whats up?" - James Webster

"Woah, these guys are old" - Joey Roque

"I'm a jacked gentleman" - Samantha's random tinder guy No. 999

"I'm a real boy" - Blake 'Shu' Humphrey

"You lie somewhere between a friend and a nobody" - Samantha

"a gusso n joey classic is losing bulk rounds in a row after having a big lead" - Joey 'Rock' Roque


random guy from faceit raging:
Screenshot Showcase
Wish you were here!
Favorite Game
Whitewind🍇 5 Mar @ 10:55am 
add me up, Deagle clutch
Coinin 1 Mar @ 12:02pm 
Good match!
Doomwarden 6 Feb @ 7:54am 
good profile, sharpshooter
Meztitaur 28 Jan @ 11:47am 
Impressive aim, bro
Beazan 4 Jan @ 6:55am 
+rep nice profile, versatile rifler
Silvercrusher 5 Nov, 2024 @ 9:25am 
an inspiration to teammates