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Публикувани: 24 апр. 2015 в 21:32
Обновени: 22 май 2015 в 4:07

I'm glad Steam ditched the forced-pay-for-mods scheme, so I'm happily changing my review to a strong positive.

Bethesda did an unusually good job when they created the base game, but when Steam introduced a late-in-the-day money grab it set off a firestorm of protest, as it should have expected. I'm a free-marketer and firmly believe in rewarding creators for their hard work, mind you. But Steam's move, especially with their plan to snatch 75% of the new funds was not in line with this idea.

The modders do all the current work and should get the lion's share of any new income. I'll be tracking down ways to donate a few bucks for the excellent mods I've been enjoying that really increase the fun of what is a superb base game if I have to, but why not set up a 'donate' button for those who don't have much patience?

Skyrim is an excellent game and I'm happy to be able to recommend it unreservedly at this point, probably the best value for the money I've seen in a game to date. The vast number of mods increase its fun and replayability by several orders of magnitude...at this point, it's the perfect balance of FPS, RPG and story...get it!
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