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10 av 32 (31%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

First Oil

Destroy Bullygun in Stage One
Upplåst 28 okt, 2017 @ 15:24

Boss B Destroyed

Destroy Spider in Stage Two
Upplåst 28 okt, 2017 @ 16:02

Boss C Destroyed

Destroy Scorpion in Stage Three
Upplåst 28 okt, 2017 @ 16:11

Boss D Destroyed

Destroy Worms in Stage Four
Upplåst 29 okt, 2017 @ 11:56

Boss E Destroyed

Destroy Octupus in Stage Five
Upplåst 30 okt, 2017 @ 18:02

Boss F Destroyed

Destroy Totem in Stage Six
Upplåst 3 nov, 2017 @ 18:35

Nice Move

Keep untouched for one entire level
Upplåst 3 nov, 2017 @ 18:57

Killing Spree

Achive a Rampage x10
Upplåst 3 nov, 2017 @ 18:12


Destroy 10 enemies using mines
Upplåst 30 okt, 2017 @ 18:05

Watch out!

Destroy 25 enemies using mines
Upplåst 3 nov, 2017 @ 17:47

Boss G Destroyed

Destroy Train in Stage Seven

Boss H Destroyed

Destroy Flyer in Stage Eight

Final Boss Destroyed

Destroy Final Boss in Stage Nine

Veteran Rider

Finish the game from the beginning

Master Rider

Finish the game with only one life

Red Bullets

Finish the game using only the red shot

Blue Bullets

Finish the game using only the blue shot

No Missiles

Finish the game without using missiles

All the relics

Find all the relics of the game
18 / 27

Relics Hunter

Find all the relics in a single game

Hidden Power

Find all the Hidden Treasures of the game
5 / 22


Destroy all the enemies in a single game

Good Score

You have reached 100000 points

High Score

You have reached 175000 points

Master Score

You have reached 250000 points

Keep Dancing

Keep untouched for two entire levels

You Rock!

Keep untouched for three entire levels

Go Fast

Finish the entire game in less than 90 minutes

Fast and Faster

Finish the entire game in less than 60 minutes

Like a Bullet

Finish the entire game in less than 30 minutes

Fly High

Ride 1000 Km over the abyss or lava
11 / 1,000

Dangerous Path

Destroy 50 enemies using mines
44 / 50