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48.5 hrs on record (40.3 hrs at review time)
Note: This is from a guy that got thrown into playing it without playing any other entry in the series.

Up until now, I have struggled to believe in the abilities of VR to capture traditional narrative rich storytelling. With the current difficulties with locomotion as one such pointer, I thought VR would be a gimmick permanently relegated to arcade gameplay and a fairly limited story (See Superhot VR for a fantastic example). Well, this game changed my mind. Alyx doesn't solve the problems of VR, but it masterfully works within it's play-space ;) For example, the lack of any two handed or melee weapons may feel counter-intuitive at first from the perspective of an FPS fan, until you realise that those things suck to use well in VR. The gameplay holds a remarkable sense of tension, and feels very fluid and flexible. I love that you can run to a door, flick your gun around the corner and fire a few blind shots, before shutting it on the headcrabs harassing you. It's an experience that could only feel as good as it does on VR, which is something the platform needs more of. And as for the story... It's more Half-Life. You know, that thing people have been harping on about for a decade? Sure, it's not a continuation, but there's like, actual characters that express emotions, and a story that actually happens to them. That's better than 99% of what's out there. If you've got a headset and haven't got this game, do yourself a favour.
Posted 30 November, 2020.
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