
Последние обзоры GrimikusPrime

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1.9 ч. всего
A surreal bizarre tongue in cheek adventure that doesn't hold back punches with it's layers of absurdity.

Makes subtle hat tips to not only gameplay tropes but compulsive player behaviour that in most games would yield zero results (ie. walking into every inconsequental spot looking at absolutely everything in hopes of your exploration being rewarded, and excessively clicking on inanimate objects (atleast when you start a game to gauge the interactivety therein))

The graphics are reminiscent of a vintage (hanna-barbera era) cartoons, abstract and minimal and somewhat... okay heavily bizarre. The same can be said of the punchy eclectic soundtrack which is just as bizarre and quirky.

The completely random and bizarre mini-games are a highlight in terms of what jazzpunk can deliver in the hilarity department.

It's less a traditional gaming experience, and more a first person adventure game, and an experience akin to a digital acid trip.

Recommended to anyone keen to have a humour packed pseudo-psychedelic experience, thouroughly enjoyable albeit short. worth the price of admission.
Опубликовано 21 ноября 2014 г..
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