Gregory   Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
I am not a noob, I am simply developing....
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Butter Chicken Carry 6 aout 2024 à 12h47 
"Please Greg" Candice implored as she desperately attempted to reason with him. The more she tried, the more he resisted. Her appeals to their love and their future fell on deaf ears. Greg was resolute. "My love" she said softly as tears began to well in her eyes, but still, he would not listen. The only sound that could be heard was that of iron. Greg’s ragged breathing was completely overshadowed by his ruthless determination. His oblong form could be seen far and wide as he finally emerged from the gym. His arms resembled tree trunks, his ten-pack bristled with sweat, and his veins bulged from the exertion. Unfortunately, his moment of triumph was overshadowed by humiliation. As he unlocked his Yaris, tragedy struck. The shear weight of his top-half overwhelmed his feeble quads and he collapsed in pile of testosterone and blood, having tragically skipped leg day.
ඞsusඞ 3 avr. 2018 à 11h11 
The thing I really like about Planes is that we learn that WWII happened in the Cars universe. Which means there was a Cars Hitler, a Cars holocaust, a Cars Pacific War, a Cars D-Day, a Cars nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a Cars Rape of Nanking, a Cars Battle of Iwo Jima...

This leads to so many important questions, like: were the Cars Little Boy and Fat Man nukes sentient? Was it a suicide mission? Are ALL Cars nuclear weapons sentient? Did Tsar Bomba have a personality?

What kind of car was Car Hitler? A VW? A forklift?

Was there a Cars 9/11? Were the planes hijacked, or were the planes themselves radicalized?

I could go on
DjCj 4 févr. 2018 à 5h38 
Trade Your CS:GO Cases For Keys! 4 Cases = 1 key! {LIEN SUPPRIMÉ}
BigFoot 7 juil. 2016 à 7h32 
I am A Boy Gamer Use to Play psps for a while.....still do......feel free to ask!
Because Im a Boy gamer......means you should treat me not like you i enjoy playing DOTA and try to RAGE WHENEVER I CAN :P
Try to chatter me up ;) i will friend you ;)
Im From The Cape Flats ..... ♥♥♥♥♥ life Surf and Turf and i teach too :O ...