Kryan   California, United States
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Why is this
Kamiclausy 9 May, 2021 @ 9:07pm 
When you buy $GME, dont just stare at your phone all day. evertime i buy a stock, I gently squeeze my phone between my glute cheeks and set my phone to vibrate every time the shares moves. the tingling keeps me grounded and focused on the present moment. I find my mind wandering on painful past memories or future anxiety, but my new meditation mantra gently reminds me to focus on the present moment and remain mindful of all the boof stocks I'm buying. Also, if you've never had a prostate orgasm, this method is great at relieving stress and relieving the backlog of prostate milk youve built while holding $GME. Your investment is more than a financial revolution, it's spiritual orgasmic sexual revolution. Sure these hedge funds want your money, but they want even more than that. They want to repress your prostate milk. I'm talking pure spiritual energy that's inside all of you. Milk your prostate and release your tendies. $GME isn't just going to the moon. Its going to the milky way.