
Franklin Frugglebunk 最近的評論

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總時數 585.5 小時 (評論時已進行 313.1 小時)
Brick Rigs is a voxel style physics sandbox. The main focus of the game is to build, drive, and share vehicles/structures made with lego-like bricks. The community is vast, along with a huge workshop.

That sound good to you? That sound fun? Well it is! Er..was.. Look, before I list all the reasons why I think this game is sloppy, unintuitive, buggy, laggy, and downright unplayable in it's current state, I want to talk about what this game used to be.

1. The Good:

I used to really like this game. The physics were neat, the workshop was jam-packed with cool stuff to fiddle around with, and every time you would launch up a map it would be like a new adventure. I used to have fun roleplaying with friends, or just roleplaying in singleplayer. Flinging around pieces of buildings, crashing cars into houses. Heck, you could even fly planes. But, as of the 1.0 update, this game is atrocious. And remember, the game was much better BEFORE 1.0. 80% of the stuff I'm gonna cover today is stuff that was added in the update.

2. The Bad

Where do I begin..? Ah, yes! The update. 1.0. As of October 2021, 1.0 has been out for.. FOUR? FOUR MONTHS..? IT'S BEEN FOUR MONTHS, AND THERE ARE ALREADY REVIEWS COMPLAINING ABOUT THE NEW UPDATE! Jolly good! That means we can get to this stuff while it's fresh and ripe! Now, about this.."update". (to me, more like a downgrade.) New additions in this update include a clothing system, attachments to weapons, playermodel remodel, updated map, and new controls.. Now, what is something ALL of these changes and additions have in common..? EXACTLY! Nobody needed or wanted them. See, what happened here is what I call the "Devdown Effect". Where a developer continuously adds unnecessary additions to their game, expecting it to IMPROVE the game. Luke, man..We didn't need a new Bob. (bob is who you play as) NOBODY..needed a new Bob. I didn't need a new Bob. My friends didn't need a new Bob. The community didn't need a new Bob. Heck, my 75 year old GRANDMA didn't need a new Bob. You didn't need to add these teensy weensy little changes. The game was fine. Luke, what we wanted was better physics, more weapons, a CONSOLE, more controller support, the main menu not having stock rock music, that kind of jazz. But I suppose you overlooked that, and gave us..oh. This stuff. Now, the first thing I'm going to cover is vehicle handling and physics. Now, you may be thinking, "Oh, Dew! You big silly bouncy boy! You said you WANTED new physics!" And you're absolutely correct. However, in reality this isn't even a dollar close to what I hoped for. Here, imagine this..You bought the game for 15 bucks. You are absolutely hyped. You download it, open the game, launch a map, and spawn. So, after attempting to navigate the horrendous UI,(which we will cover later in this review) you spawn a vehicle. You hop in, start the engine, and start hightailing your truck down a flat surface. Now, what you might expect from driving on a flat surface at 20 miles per hour, is a smooth drive. The wind in your hair, the steering wheel feeling as natural as breathing. But, in reality, your car's wheels will immediately give out, and the car will crumble into dust before your eyes. Haha, REALISM! It's like REAL LIFE! Now, sarcasm aside, this is one of the main reasons why I intensely dislike the new update. Driving is hard. Yeah, in real life it is too. But not THIS hard. Not, crash-and-burn-once-gas-pedal-is-pressed hard. Seriously. The smallest amount of pressure on the engine can cause your car to evaporate before your eyes, like ice on a stove. Or, if you're pushing it really hard, fireworks in a campfire. That's exactly what we want for our mainly physics based sandbox game! But to be honest, physics was always a big problem. Why do you think I wanted new ones? Onto the second thing I really don't like. Eugh..the remodel. Along with the clothing system..Yeah, I'm gonna be sick.. Now, at first, to YOU, this seems like a good idea. YOU'RE WRONG. YOUR SCORE IS F. Remember how I said the game was suffering from the Devdown Effect? You know, exactly 1 minute and 36 seconds ago? That's also why I'm making this point. We didn't need thiiiis! The remodel is garbage. Originally, this game was going for a Lego aesthetic. But the new Bob model makes him look more like a Duplo. No, not a Duplo.. A bootleg of a bootleg of a Duplo. He has WAAAAAY too many joints. What ever happened to the simple lego figure? He looks like a freaking fidget toy. We wanted a simple Lego man, not a minimalist human skeleton. He has 3 JOINTS on his torso. THREE! He's the definition of bendable! Now, I get it, maybe Lukey boy here wanted to modernize things a little. Make it not so childlike. But..my question is..Why? Just why? Nobody cares. Actually no one cares about how Bob looked. You made him bad. He was fine. You didn't need to redesign Bob JUST for the clothing update. Just take the old model, slap some undies on him, and you're good to go. Oh, I almost forgot! The clothing update! YAAAAAAAAAAY!
The only knack I really have with this is the UI it is contained in. See, the clothing update is the middleman between the two big boys in this update that I hate. The UI and Weapon Update. Sheesh. Just..sheesh. The problem with the UI is it's just..so complicated and unnecessary. It isn't friendly to new players at all. Before, you could find what you wanted with the press of a button. But now? You have to go through like, 3 menus to find change team or clothing. Same with the weapons. There are so many attachments, it's highly unorganized, and (separate from the weapon UI) you can also find NUMEROUS typos. Now, before we go our separate ways, I want to talk about the boss battle of this review. Framerate. Jesus christ..the main menu is like Cyberpunk 2077. Not only does it look bad, but it's incredibly laggy. The game itself? You need some INSANE Alienware B7906 RTX 5000 Thing-ama-jig Dr. Seuss machine to run this game at 60 fps. Looking around in the game is considered a valid anesthesia simulator. Your best bet is to put every setting on Potato. And..that's..about it. If you want to experience this game when it was good, go to the demos section of this games settings and you'll find the old version. I expected more from this, Luke. I'm sorry if this review was harsh, or even bad. Also, if AC Dosage is reading this, yo. Buyers beware, here were enjoyment. And as always, stay refreshed.
張貼於 2021 年 10 月 4 日。
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