metal man   Malaysia
Write a reason in the comment before adding, unless I gave you the permission to add me on your friends list.
"The kings are about an idea, you see? Where every man is free to follow his own path, do his own thing. Where every man is a king in his own right."

Something about me
Name: Sez
Age: 20
Birthday: 21st September
Gender: Male (He/him)

Q: Who are you?
A: I'm a water drinker master

Q: What's your TF2 class main?
A: Soldier, due to me being suck at aiming.

Q: Pineapple on a pizza?
A: Y E S

Q: What's your favorite color?
A: Blue

Q: What's your favorite band?
A: None. Most of them all gud.

Q: What's your favorite music artists?
A: Mystery Skulls and Des Rocs

Q: What's your favourite song?
A: Truth to be told, I don't have any.
they didn't go dark
37 2 1
3月6日 に最後にプレイ
3月6日 に最後にプレイ
3月4日 に最後にプレイ
AndrewVideos510 3月3日 13時55分 
Hi it's AndrewVideos510 from DA :MonkWave:
Sez™ 2024年9月28日 9時31分 
nuh uh
Brownie 2024年9月28日 9時30分 
CLOSE RIMWORLDDD :crying_yeti::crying_yeti:
Brownie 2024年8月4日 11時23分 
close rimworld bro :crying_yeti:
Sez™ 2024年5月2日 18時51分 
icl ts pmo sm rn r u fr rn 2024年5月2日 16時39分 
destiny 2 fr :steambored: