Saint Martin (French part)
If you have any questions or concerns about the position of the crowds in Albuquerque, please let me know if you have to go to the future. You will have a fairly extensive list of things to do, however I am not sure if you are interested in my car and would love to meet up.
MIJAMIJAMIJA 2021年1月11日 2時16分 





Remove this person from your friendslist before it is too late!!
Selma Lagerlof 2020年10月30日 19時03分 
if you report me one time more i will send you to orpanage
MIJAMIJAMIJA 2020年10月29日 22時09分 
Hello. Please sign my profile. Thank you.
Selma Lagerlof 2020年10月12日 13時44分 
ngl this profile kinda smell 🤮
Selma Lagerlof 2020年9月29日 20時59分 
Ok so this is official... so read or face repercussions

Message from Danish (DK) Department of Justice head Jimmy Jæblon.

Please remember to return your tax documents R4 and 133EE promptly. Otherwise we will have to move to more drastic methods of collection (kill you or maybe put in prision). These documents declare how many tiems you have installed strip poker bonzi buddy and how many times you have paid for foot pic on only fans (we determine it is in the high to severely high bracket but need your confirmation).

If it is not in by october 12 or we will shoot your dog.


Ministry of Justice Procedural Law Division
MIJAMIJAMIJA 2020年9月29日 20時39分 
OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i ♥♥♥♥ing love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your boyfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night andw atch a movie together but you just seem so uninsterested in me it ♥♥♥♥ing kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i'm begging you to eaither love me back or remove me and never contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you dont love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life.