☭ god of weird ☭
Krists   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
dementia ridden, possibly retarded, autistic(real tho), brain damaged, windows screensaver brain, vodka loving eldrich god thing that controls all entropy or smth lol. thats basically all you need to know.

my true form is: "a down syndrome autistic goat with adhd only in the upper section of its left bicep and only when facing precisely 38.978 degrees north east." i think.
Currently Offline
Things I can do as your lord and saviour the God of Weird:
• Using Bluetooth abilities to kill anyone in China(93 people killed so far)
• Reaching stage 11 dementia
• Gaining the no clip command after blacking out from massive amounts of vodka
• Continuously getting regularly sequenced strokes
• Stepping on a lady bug between the hours of 7-8 am, causing the world to reset
• Floating in the air while sleeping, proving that I am the savior of humanity and all the other religious leaders are required by religious law to give me head
• Clapping really hard and sometimes causing a universe reset and a new big bang without annihilating myself beyond any reasonable measure due to that
• exploding with a force of 7.8x10^69 joules of energy when in a situation that requires me to communicate with more than 3 unknown personnel.
• referring to the SCP-426 in the third person.
• intercoursing with two specific soviet tanks.
• Others most likely
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2,023 hrs on record
last played on 5 Jun
841 hrs on record
last played on 5 Jun
71 hrs on record
last played on 5 Jun
☭ god of weird ☭ 28 Apr @ 1:40pm 
nuh uh but i sure have the mind of one
TaiwanPingLord 28 Apr @ 11:26am 
This ♥♥♥♥♥ could not be older than 12
☭ god of weird ☭ 16 May, 2023 @ 2:57pm 
i have failed to care soz mate the god of weird is a god and gods by nature have powers, human.
Yon 16 May, 2023 @ 9:27am 
no powers allowed, everyone must start on even ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, about equal to my decrepit starting pov