Jimbo   Norman, Oklahoma, United States
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98 Hours played
I bought this game on a whim after hearing it briefly mentioned on the Giant Bombcast. Sometimes I buy a game from an independent developer on a whim because it feels better than giving my money to a AAA publisher like an Ubisoft or EA. In this case, I am so glad I did. I've played 16-bit RPGs from the SNES and Genesis era and I can safely say that none resonated with me quite like this game did. The game takes place far in the future when humans have traveled to distant worlds. In this world, humans have established a colony where people on Earth control avatars made of temporary matter that traverse a planet that has been terraformed and programmed to become a game world. You come into the world on a ship not remembering who you are and unable to speak. A mysterious person communicates with you and teaches you a few words to try to pass as a normal player but warns you of the dangers of being discovered as an anomaly. Thus begins a journey of masquerading as a player in an online game where you try to uncover the truth of your own existence and why you do not remember anything before this undertaking.

The game is much in the vein of 16-bit action RPGS like Secret of Mana where combat is in real time. You have a skill tree that fills out with multiple options in regards to abilities and bonuses. Eventually you will open new trees that are tied to elemental modes which further specialize the combat. Overall the game play is very satisfying and as you progress you will find and buy equipment that will let you further customize your experience. The real star of the game play though are the puzzles setup throughout the game. They are plentiful in both "overworld" areas and most especially in dungeons. Many puzzles are ones you might be familiar with of the block pushing and timing variety but they are still fun and challenging. There are a few that will frustrate in dungeons that require precise timing but overall they are very satisfying when completed. The game operates on a trading system where materials obtained from these puzzles and monsters can be traded for more powerful gear. All throughout the game you will be upgrading your equipment and seeking rare materials through combat and puzzles. A few times dungeons seemed to have one or two puzzles too many but I still enjoyed them overall. Seeing a chest and figuring out how to get it was sometimes challenging but fun. As for the side quests in the game, you start with a few bog standard MMORPG style quests of killing monsters and collecting materials to set the tone of a MMORPG but throughout the game they give you very unique quests that challenge you in different ways. One side quest is basically a tower defense game in of itself while others may test your timing and deductions skills. It always surprised what new twists the developers came up with in regards to side quests as the game progressed. It certainly seems like a lot of love was put into this game in regards to the side quests.

The true star of this game though is the story itself. Slowly you will unravel the mystery of this world while making new friends who truly care about your character. This game made me consider what connections between people are really worth even if they are only "online" ones. I will not get into spoiler territory but the emotional beats in this game are something I never thought a 16 bit game could pull off. I have played my share of SNES and Genesis RPGs but I can safely say this is the only 16 bit RPG that made me cry. The writing is excellent and as I played, I began to value my conversations and time with the friends you make in the game much as your main character does. These people are all she knows, them and the mysterious stranger who led you here. While they can log off and go home, she only knows this world and what she experiences in it. It felt very lonely while at the same time making me consider the value of relationships with other people no matter how those relationships are formed.

This game was a surprise joy to me. It's certainly in my top 5 for 2018 and I cannot recommend it enough if you are looking for a fun action RPG with a good story and game play. The frustrations with a few of the puzzles that can occur are worth pushing through. One small recommendation I have is switching to mouse when doing some of the puzzles that require very precise aiming when shooting. Otherwise, the control seems the best way to play. Please give this game a chance. It is one of the best RPGs I have played regardless of it being 16 bit.
Mr. Valuable 19 Nov, 2022 @ 12:18am 
Has playing with him we did have a fun game!
fyB_2 16 Nov, 2012 @ 10:17pm 
Been friends since Oct 11, 2010 , so I probably wont remember back then. Hah.