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70.1 hrs last two weeks / 1,653.5 hrs on record (1,486.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 25 Mar @ 7:17pm

I don't think these reviews are for people who want to know what others think of the game, but for people who already play the game to bond over our collective PTSD.

Learn how to just have a silly time. Headon flashbang some killers knowing it will get you tunneled. Give nodders when you finally down that person who has been teabagging/clam slamming you. Game is not as toxic as you may be lead to believe. But when it IS toxic, hooooooooooboy... You're gonna have some really bad games, and you have to be okay with that.
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ShedgeToskyVT 26 Mar @ 10:48am 
skill issue just tame killers lol