OPSEC   Finland
that guy who said some things to make people riled up, and you never know if he meant it or not.

World record overclocker

In his heart of hearts, he doesn't know either. On the other hand, he might self-censor and not go as far as he'd like to.

Blitz theme song

Discriminating people with private profiles!

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7:47 PM - Freqlectiq: Sometimes you play with your Wang, sometimes your Wang plays you.
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supa 22 Apr 2024 @ 1:10pm 
-rep he became an alcoholism
supa 19 Okt 2022 @ 8:43am 
Horus oli kalju, autistinen juoppo. Kapina kyhättiin häthätää yksinkertaistakin yksinkertaisemman sotakuvion ympärille (Horus hädintuskin osasi sodankäynnin alkeet) ja mukaan keksittiin tissuttelun ohessa ottaa mukahyödykäs ja mukanäppärä Angron ja Lorgar. Suosiota tuskin olisi tullut ellei Horuksen ympärillä olisi ollut jatkuvasti lauma demoneita ja Fulgrim masturboimassa hiekkapaperilla. Viinaa kului mutta Horuksen ainoa tapa käsitellä asiaa oli itkeä siitä, miten Keisarista on tullut jumala sillä hän ei yksinkertaisesti pystynyt myöntämään myyneensä sielunsa kaaokselle. Loppujen lopuksi tämän "Galaksin suurimman sotamestarin" ainut ansio lienee se, miten monta kertaa sai turpaan Leman Russillta.
supa 11 Feb 2022 @ 7:40am 
The truth is... how do i say this... Do you know what a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ is ? ... I've got a little ♥♥♥♥♥♥... This is... well,uh... with girls... Do you know what a bug-bite ♥♥♥♥♥♥ is...? When a girl's arms or legs or something gets bitten by a mosquito and their skin swells and gets a little red. That excites me! That's all! Don't tell anybody! Ah, i knew it! I take it back! I told you i'd wish i hadn't said it! If you tell anyone what i said, i'm gonna make you wish a lotta things..... don't ever tell anyone....
supa 23 Mar 2018 @ 5:13am 
The King of the northern Gnomes, Narnode Shareen, is once again in need of your help. He recently decided to send an envoy of his Royal Guard, the 10th squad, to oversee the decommissioning of the Gnome owned ship-building facilities on the eastern coast of Karamja.
It has been quite some time since the 10th squad were dispatched and they have been deemed missing in action. It will be up to you, should you decide to help, to find out what fate befell the 10th squad and if possible, track them down.

If only it were so simple. Sinister forces have begun to spread through the Gnome hierarchy and threaten to unleash an unknown terror upon the world. Far across the land, the fires of vengeance are being stoked once again. Can you unravel the mystery behind the deception? Can you separate the truth from the lies? Can you decide for yourself what is real and what is not?
Nistjan 3 Mar 2018 @ 4:57am 
You are a heteropatriarchal, cis-normative racist who is worse than Hitler and should never be allowed on Steam.

He's good in Pubg though :)
Kush for da kush god 2 Jan 2018 @ 12:51pm 
You'll never get a winner winner chicken dinner, they dont have chicken in russia