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Pubblicazione: 2 dic 2015, ore 11:08
Aggiornata: 3 dic 2015, ore 10:52

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What makes this game stand out from other zombie survival games is the player interaction one has when meeting other people. Bugs and glitches aside, this game is recommended for any fan of a survival game.
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15 commenti
Cable 4 dic 2015, ore 0:56 
For that there are still to many mechanics missing, just having to eat every 15-20 min does not constitute surviving in my book. Disease, Climate more indepth cooking, hunting and shelter, more crafting are things i would have hoped to see by now.
ghoostly 3 dic 2015, ore 14:13 
Yes, the KoS is really annoying and also unnecessary when it comes to killing freshies. Without zombies it's really not a zombie survival game, just a survival game.
Cable 3 dic 2015, ore 14:04 
Myeah that is partially the fix, i'm not saying banditry is a bad thing but please do it origanally and less KoS, also if zombies were a real threat people would think twice before just going full rambo in a city to kill freshspawn or relativly newspawned players with almost no gear.

If zombies were a real threat it opens new ways to play to game.
ghoostly 3 dic 2015, ore 13:39 
JohnMac, I agree. If it is a Zombie Survival Game, then they should focus on the zombies more than anything else.
JohnMac 3 dic 2015, ore 13:28 
I know what you meant and my answer is the same. If there are no PvE enemies there is nothing to do other than PvP. Fix the zombies in this so called zombies survival game and that would at least help people actually group for a purpose other than to shoot other players.
ghoostly 3 dic 2015, ore 13:10 
When I said be fixed, I meant how will the real life players be fixed? I already understand about the zombies and everything.
JohnMac 3 dic 2015, ore 13:05 
How will it be fixed? Fixing the zombies would be a start, they have been completely broken or missing since the day of release. The game has always lagged and desynced beyond anything acceptable since day 1 too (to the point of unplayable in my eyes), even on empty servers, yet they talked about 120 man servers. I mean really? Did they test anything at all themselves before they shovelled this shit to us for actual money?

As far as the community, well there are no words anymore. The mods and the devs themselves are in a way, even worse than the fanboys. I'm not a hater, but as a massive dayz mod fan (with over 2000 hours) i am very disappointed with this so called game.
ghoostly 3 dic 2015, ore 12:53 
That is very true sir, but there's nothing they can do about the other players so how will it be fixed? I mean, out of all games I never seen all of the players being good or bad. In CS:GO there can be the helpful chill ones but other times you get paired up with the tosic people. What I am trying to say is that it is all dependent on the server and people.
Cable 3 dic 2015, ore 11:15 
myeah but if 99% is a bandit or acts like it it starts to get boring too.
ghoostly 3 dic 2015, ore 10:52 
That is true, they are taking a long time to release the full version of the game. And about the behaviour of the community, people are getting toxic but if it wasn't for them the game would be boring. When I said the interaction is great, I didn't mean good interaction. Interaction can be bad not always good, and if there were no bandits in DayZ it would be pretty boring.