Abdul Spinosu
Obama, Fukui, Japan
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1 bannissement en jeu enregistré | Infos
1167 jour(s) depuis le dernier bannissement
V3NOM 6 oct. à 6h27 
i reviewed our match btw, nice prefires even though we were literally not visible. Spineless cheater and not even the balls to admit it.
HaxConfigure 5 oct. à 7h33 
cwel zajebany islam abdulah
HaxConfigure 5 oct. à 7h27 
-rep hacker bot
PaPi 5 oct. à 7h26 
-rep idiot with hax
0_0 30 sept. à 13h13 
сын спиздозной шалавы с софтом
✰Nandstars✰ 28 mai à 12h10 
-rep very racist and communist :steamthumbsdown: