Clippy Fishing
Zak   Woonsocket, Rhode Island, United States
Why is Clippy fishing? Only a select few have chosen to seek the answer. Their quest was long and bloody; families were split, lives were destroyed, Lake Huron was drained, Florida was detached and kicked out to sea. Those seeking the truth have long since withered into raving husks of what were once men, but amidst the carnage a single fact was revealed. It was never delivery, it was DiGiorno's®.
Vetrina immagini
Calming Poster
grapes 9 apr 2021, ore 1:08 
grapes 9 apr 2021, ore 1:08 
Lol noob
kai 31 gen 2018, ore 1:35 
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I tell ya hwat, you just got visited by the friendly propane man
If you don't post this in 5 comment section you'll suffer pro-pain
Noble 13 giu 2016, ore 9:49 
very trustworthy
kai 30 ott 2015, ore 19:05 
doesn't even trade +rep
kohesive 19 gen 2015, ore 14:43 
f u c k t h e p o l i c e