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11 중 3 (27%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제

In The Cloud

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2018년 2월 18일 오전 8시 49분에 획득

The Evaluator

Rate one song at least
2018년 2월 18일 오전 8시 49분에 획득

The Explorer

Give 5 stars to three songs at least
2018년 2월 18일 오전 8시 49분에 획득

The Reviewer

Rate ten songs at least
0 / 10

The Juryman

Rate 25 songs at least
0 / 25

The Judge

Rate 100 songs at least
0 / 100

The Hit-hunter

Give 5 stars to ten songs at least
3 / 10

The Music Agent

Give 5 stars to 25 songs at least
3 / 25

The Musician (Silver Disc)

Upload three your own songs at least to Rytmik Cloud and receive an average rating above 3 stars

The Music Star (Gold Disc)

Upload five your own songs at least to Rytmik Cloud and receive an average rating above 4 stars

The Hitmaker (Platinum Disc)

Upload ten your own songs at least to Rytmik Cloud and receive an average rating above 4 and half stars