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4.3 godz. łącznie (3.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
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Opublikowana: 8 marca.
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8.1 godz. łącznie (5.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
it gud
Opublikowana: 20 września 2023.
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2,197.4 godz. łącznie (1,678.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I've played this game for almost 6 years now. It is great.
We've had our dark times in brawlhalla where only 2-3 characters were released per year and no weapon changes in over a year at one time.
but the devs seem to be doing a good job once again and the game doesn't feel nearly as much of a chore to play as it may have once felt.
For a free fighting game I can't really say anything bad about it, every character feels strong in their own way and the 'meta' is being contested each tournament.
DLC (eg the battle pass, skins, emotes etc.) are not p2w and stay cheap. As I've been spending most my free time on Destiny 2, this is very refreshing.

The only issue with the game isn't really the dev's fault, but a lot of players are trolls. Bit annoying but who cares I get my fun when i play.

Some gamemodes and maps suck balls, some weapons feel annoying to be against, ranked needs an overhaul but other than that the game is very good :thumbsup:
Opublikowana: 28 czerwca 2023.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
0.0 godz. łącznie
Lightfall got it (almost) all wrong.
Firstly, the Campaign:
The Campaign was awful, hated having to use strand for almost all of the campaign. Calus was more disappointing of a final boss in a campaign than both Eramis and Xol. I wouldn't go as far to say that it's the worst campaign we've had (sorry CoO) but the writing has so many plot-holes and the campaign feels like it has accomplished nothing. The Veil is meant to be one of the most important things in the Campaign but we don't know what it is? What's more annoying there is that even Nimbussy acts like they know what it is (also why is nimbussy gender neutral? trying to accommodate to more audiences? It doesn't even feel like that but thats the only logical reason why nimbussy is a they ). Going back to accomplishing nothing, I guess we can use strand now but that probably won't mean anything beyond "haha darkness go brrrr" in The Final Shape. We killed Calus, but it was the worst time to possibly do it. We've known about him for such a long time and then he just dies from us? Caital was a better antagonist in Season of the Chosen. Ghaul felt like more of a threat in The Red War than Calus, who can't even take control of the Veil.

Nimbussy is the worst character introduced in a campaign. Nimbussy is NOT funny nor are they Cayde. They are like if Fynch's eccentricity was exaggerated tenfold. Who taught Nimbussy to be like this?

They ruined the EDZ strikes. It's undeniable. I suppose that The Arm's Dealer didn't get that much worse, but it certainly wasn't the better of the two EDZ strikes. They just moved things around with that one, but it definitely feels longer now for absolutely no reason. What they did to arguably the best strike in the entire game is miserable. Lake of Shadows was one of the best strikes because it was short but it was most certainly not easy. Each area in it had the perfect Taken enemy density that it felt like a threat to be there. Now, there's 2-3 Resonant Splicers? Okay, that's a minor set-back, it's bearable guess. But, the Taken have been replaced with Cabal. Why? The Cabal aren't even in high density. They don't feel dangerous. The only similarity is the taken boss at the end of the strike. I'm ashamed that they thought the strike was improved in any way possible.
The new strike is pretty good; it's in the vex network which is cool. The boss is a Taken Hydra, which is pretty cool. Theres a sparrow section where you actually have to avoid the risks. Cool, but not Scourge level or even Grasp (I'm not expecting it to be as hard as the Scourge sparrow encounter or the grasp one but the path could have at least had some cool things going for it other than that its slightly curved.

Season of Defiance:
The weapons are reskins of Season of the Lost weapons and there's no remake of Fractethyst. That is bad enough in my opinion. The new battlegrounds are alright, but they all feel like the same strikes as theyre all on earth + the ascendant plane. The bosses have the same mechanics. It's more obvious than Season of the Seraph's bosses all having the same mechanics because at least the boss encounters last season had different enemy types or different enemy densities. This time it just feels bad. At least the new battlegrounds look cool (im a sucker for the ascendant plane). Also a slight nitpick with the battlegrounds: when you save the prisoners, theyre the exact same models, with the newest battlegrounds just mirroring them through the middle and placing them there? Idk why it just seems bad to me.
The impact of the Season doesn't feel that major either. Of course, coming after a pre-expansion season was going to be a hard task but Season of the Risen did it really well last year. Now we just saved Amanda and fight a few Shadow Legion.

Buildcrafting was my favourite thing in Destiny. I loved making builds and seeing how they do. I used all 3 guardians last season to a fair extent, having builds for almost every subclass on each of them. Armour mods were doing perfectly fine. I was exciting to know it would get a cleaner system without needing your armour pieces to be a certain element. However, what we got was the most neutered and badly planned system ever. Buildcrafting is way too basic right now. They got rid of Elemental Wells and Charged with light mods, replacing them with new effects for each subclass and armour charge. Armour charge was thought out horribly. Right now, you can get armour charge and increase all of your stats by 30 for free for about two minutes. Once that gets nerfed, it'll feel awful. I'm not looking forward to it at all.

Don't really have an issue with this other than maybe doubling Nezarec's health.
Plus the Planet encounter was a random Cabal boss. Could've been Calus or at least made them a lot bigger/more intimidating like the Caretaker.

Otherwise the campaign is decent. I have my major issues with it because Destiny has been my favourite game for a while now. At least Crucible is fine (it was better with scavenger mods imo). The Nightfall picks this season are challenging and pretty good. Surges and Threats were a good idea. A new subclass is always welcome and the loadout feature is nice to have.

Currently, I don't think lightfall is worth it to newcomers. Just get The Witch Queen or the bundle with beyond light, shadowkeep and forsaken. Theres more going for that than lightfall right now. The next seasons might be good, I'm curious on what's gonna happen with the next dungeons and the reprisal raid coming in Summer/Autumn (hopefully wrath). ty for reading ima go do homework now :p

tl;dr lightfall rn sucks but it could get better throughout the year.
Opublikowana: 17 marca 2023.
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