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Análises recentes de Gacorr

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617.8 hrs em registo (336.6 horas no momento da análise)
Publicado a 18 de Fevereiro de 2022.
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49.2 hrs em registo (16.4 horas no momento da análise)
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Publicado a 2 de Fevereiro de 2022.
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132.7 hrs em registo (126.2 horas no momento da análise)
Publicado a 29 de Janeiro de 2022.
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3.8 hrs em registo
Well finished it once, and definetely will come back for things that i did not found. I like to start from cons so here we go.

- Too short. As you can see in my hour count game is extremely short, I finished it in about 3 hours, and I was definitely not speedruning, even managed to get stuck few times.
- That may sound contrary to my previous statement but puzzles felt extremely easy, to the point I was not sure if its on purpose or not. In fact my two biggest stucks were result of me searching for something hidden and obscure, when the answer was painfuly obvious. Yes im looking at you toolbox with freaking code for its lock scribled on your surface.

Well thats all that comes to my mind. Now the good stuff.

- You can feel that it is not AAA game in terms of graphic, but devs used their engine extremely well and game overall look gorgeous. Game is short yes, but you will definetely remember every corner of it. Every part of the game is filled with details. Also lots of sex stuff (duuuh), but game handles it well and with proper balance - it always feel more artistic than lewd.
- There will be sneaking and running, but it is not focus of the game and thank God. Game lets you enjoy scenery, but always with little doze of not being sure what you will find behind next corner.
- Game feels lovercraftian all right, but it is not cheap Lovecraft feel, by which I mean slamming tentacles into your face all the time.
- I said it before but man, artistic vision of this game is really original. You can feel Lovecraft, Beksinski and Giger, but game always feels like it is its own thing.
- I must say, main protagonist of this game is freaking badass in terms of lovecraftian heroes. Sure there is "losing sanity mechanics" but I never managed to get to the point of no return. I honestly would not be suprised to see sequel of this game where protagonist runs around with shotgun doom style.
- I finished game and and as I said puzzles where easy... Then I saw that I found 4/15 lore notes... And I have no idea where they are, because I am pretty sure I snooped every corner. So plus there for hiding it and making me want to play the game again.
- Game is short BUT CHEAP.
- Bewbies.

Not sure how I feel about:
- Ending. No spoilers but... Ending was painfully obvious. Then again what can you expect from lovecraftian story?
And THEN again I am not sure if game have more then one ending or not :D

Overall 8/10 would play again, waiting for more games from this studio!
Publicado a 22 de Junho de 2018. Última alteração: 22 de Junho de 2018.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
7.4 hrs em registo
This game was huge suprise to me, because it came (at least from my perspective) out of nowhere. There is few games that can capture spirit of Lovecraft works, few that understands that its not all about tentacles poping out of darkness on your face. This game does it masterfully. I was afraid that this game will go in direction of modern horror games, with mostly avoiding monsters or running from them, but it does not, which was great suprise for me, because I dont like this aproach. Of course that doesn't mean that you dont have to fear for your life, but It is more about puzzles and gathering notes and evidences that foreshadow what the hell is going on. I highly recommend this game.

- Short, but it looks like there are multiple endings (got two). So I will definately try again.
- Quicksave system is something I don't understand, really. Every quicksave makes new save, and there is limit about 110 saves that you can make, so you have to save manually, or after some time you have to delete 50 or 60 save filles by yourself which is annoing.

But its great experience overall.
Publicado a 15 de Junho de 2017.
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