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Recent reviews by Gacnac

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3 people found this review helpful
2,994.4 hrs on record (2,563.7 hrs at review time)
Honestly, I've played thousands of hours of Counter Strike and finding the game in the current state is just depressing. Solo queuing into 5 stacks, half of which have a cheater just isn't going to do it for me anymore. The amount of money poured into this game deserves better for us, and really it just makes me sad to realize Valve doesn't care.
Posted 26 February.
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5 people found this review helpful
30.1 hrs on record (13.3 hrs at review time)
As an animator the first thing that really drew me to this game was some of the things a friend had shown me happening during some of the boss fights. It was very creative and I wanted to see what else they had done in the normally static pixel rpgs. I had heard of it, played the demo a while ago, and been recommended it multiple times but this got me to finally buy it. Since then I have bought it for 2 more people and have found my thoughts drifting to it often. The best way to describe the game is inspiring. The soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal, the writing is superb, the animation is charming and impressive. But what it becomes as a package is to me the best indie game to date with many moving parts that great an experience that might be labled to outsiders as art in video game form. I've personally believed video games are art for quite some time, but many do not share this opinion. If you meet these people, have them buy this 10 dollar game gem and they are likely to reconsider.
Posted 20 November, 2015.
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