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Évaluations récentes de FyreFoxx

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12 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
287.0 h en tout (247.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
At first, I was skeptical of this game. It reminded me of Overcooked, which I actually disliked. A lot. But some friends convinced me to give it a shot via Remote Play. And I was instantly hooked and never looked back. For months at a time, it was my go-to time waster game, just something to play on my downtime to relax and enjoy a bit of gaming between adulting. I don't play it as often anymore, but this is still a super fun game to play, alone or in co-op. Especially in co-op! It's both harder and easier with more people, I think. A weird balance that just... works. And all the mods the community makes really give it a nice spice and can really alter how you play the game. The devs seem to listen to feedback and are constantly improving the game and adding new things, right alongside the modding community. It's a great harmony and I definitely recommend people to give it a shot, even if your first attempt is joining a friend, like I did. You'll get hooked, too.
Évaluation publiée le 27 novembre 2023.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
212.7 h en tout (2.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I only played Step 1 so far, but I loved it so much with all the creative choices and how freaking adorable Cove was during summer that I had to go ahead and get both DLCs *immediately*, and restart my game to play them (I was impatient!). I do not regret that choice. The characters, so far, are very sweet and have a real good sense of personality. Each one is unique and I like how their relationship changes a little with certain choices, like how you interact with your sister. I'm excited to see how they all develop over the years and see what changes can happen. Looking forward to multiple play-throughs! I will be updating this at a later time to include my thoughts on the rest of the game.
Évaluation publiée le 21 novembre 2020.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
633.5 h en tout (401.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This is one of the best survival games I've ever played. Time and time again, I try out others but always seem to find my way back to this one. The updates, new maps and modes, and new dinos keep things interesting. I love all the mods and what changes they offer, too.
Évaluation publiée le 26 novembre 2018.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
7.1 h en tout
This game really feels a lot like the older Harvest Moon games. That's not a bad thing, though! I adore that series and this game is no exception. It's cute, whimsical, and it feels like there's just so much more to do than you can finish in a single day! I love the sprite artwork, the soundtrack is awesome, and all the marriage candidates are fairly diverse. Considering this was a one-man project, he did an amazing job and I just can't get enough of this game!
Évaluation publiée le 27 novembre 2016.
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48.0 h en tout
This is a unique blend of RTS and FPS action. Each team has one commander that plays the RTS role. They build turrets, extend their range, drop supplies, open up waypoints. All the fun stuff, but are still a FPS player sitting in a base. On the other side of things, as a player on the ground, you are in FPS mode as one of four classes, killing the enemy and taking over resources. The more resources you have, the more things your commander can build. It's like currency. They can't build if the FPS players can't get the points captured, but they need the help from the RTS guy, too. This game is amazing with some really unique playstyles. Each class has multiple roles it can play and different ways to ultilize them with different upgrade gizmos. If you're at all a fan of FPS or even RTS, give this game a try!
Évaluation publiée le 27 décembre 2011.
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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
14.9 h en tout
This game is nothing like its predecessors, but it's amazing in its own right. There are so many different choices to make, so many different outcomes, a free-form hack-and-slash type of combat system, and so much lore that it can make your head spin. If you are a fan of deeply engaging stories, then this is definitely a game to try. You can play through as one of four main characters, getting the rest as partners along the way, each with their own attitudes, fighting styles, and things they agree with. You can switch between your partners at will, and they add to the story as you play through, with different pieces of insight or comments they make. The gear is completely random, but not overly terrible. There is also a nice multi-player feature where you can host your own private game or join in a public one, although you only have access to the gear the owner has acquired (as it is their game you're playing). All in all, a fantastic game with a lot of lore and plenty of replay value.
Évaluation publiée le 9 juillet 2011.
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