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Análises recentes de funkyedelweiss

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75.0 hrs em registo (23.5 horas no momento da análise)
Sony had better have learned from all this; but I doubt it.
Publicado a 3 de Maio. Última alteração: 13 de Maio.
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585.0 hrs em registo (533.9 horas no momento da análise)
It's the greatest 3D Fallout game ever made. Nothing more can be said.
Publicado a 15 de Janeiro.
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825.6 hrs em registo (73.7 horas no momento da análise)
While I overall adore the game and am therefore biased, I'll try to be as honest as possible about how I found the game as of the most recent update. ***NO SPOILERS***

The story is short, albeit incredibly engaging and rich in texture. No game breaking bugs, however the occasional visual pop in or even the now exceedingly rare T-pose. The weapons all feel and sound satisfying to use. The sheer scale and density of Night City genuinely continues to surprise and stun me with its scenery in a more or less load screen free experience, which imo is quite the achievement.

overall 8/10 breathtaking flawed masterpiece born prematurly

pls gibe DLC
Publicado a 17 de Janeiro de 2021.
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Ainda ninguém achou esta análise útil
540.0 hrs em registo (4.2 horas no momento da análise)
took over as germany in 1939 and just flat didn't attack poland. still here in 1946 and I have the A bomb.

8/10 hard to learn
Publicado a 31 de Dezembro de 2020.
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