Czech Republic
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Name origin
The fujara originated in central Slovakia as a large sophisticated folk shepherd's overtone fipple flute of unique design. It is technically a contrabass in the tabor pipe class.

Ranging from 160 to 200 cm long (5'3" – 6'6") and tuned in A, G, or F. It has three tone holes (also called finger holes) located on the lower part of the main body. The sound is produced by a fipple at the upper end of the main body of the fujara. The air is led to the fipple through a smaller parallel pipe, called vzduchovod in Slovak (meaning "air channel"), mounted on the main body of the instrument. While it is possible to play the fundamental frequency on fujaras, the normal playing technique is based on overblowing the instrument. Because of the high aspect ratio of the sound chamber (great length versus small internal diameter), the player can use overtones to play a diatonic scale using only the three tone holes. The fujara is typically played while standing, with the instrument held vertically and usually braced against the right thigh.
Son Etkinlikler
kayıtlarda 125 saat
son oynanma: 22 Mar
kayıtlarda 23 saat
son oynanma: 26 Oca
kayıtlarda 677 saat
son oynanma: 25 Oca
Macasko 1 Haz 2023 @ 13:43 
Keďže mi tento profil nepríde zaujímavý, prikladám recept na Segedínsky guláš: Bravčové mäso
Plece bez kosti 600 g
Rastlinný olej 40 g
Mletá paprika 1 lyžička
Vývar 200 ml
Kyslá kapusta 400 g
Hladká múka 25 g
Šľahačka 120 ml
Segedínsky guláš
Postup prípravy: Zaradenie: Mäso, Bravčové
Mäso opláchneme a nakrájame na kúsky. Cibuľu nakrájame nadrobno a opražíme na polovici oleja ružova. Pridáme mletú papriku, premiešame a zalejeme trochou vody. Do cibuľového základu pridávame nakrájané mäso, rascu a osolíme. Prilejeme časť vývaru, prikryjeme pokrievkou a za občasného miešania dusíme, až je mäso polomäkké. Podlievame vývarom alebo vodou. Potom pridáme k mäsu nakrájané kyslú kapustu a dusíme. Guláš zahustíme zápražkou pripravenou z oleja a múky, dobre rozmiešame a pri miernej teplote dodusíme mäso domäkka. Nakoniec zjemníme smotanou, osolíme a krátko povaríme.
Dobrú chuť.
ieatwaterwhenthirsty 17 May 2021 @ 14:17 
bng muj ucitel v dedz baj dejlajs ma naucil grac hru fest dobree , a fujari su pjekne nastroje muj dzedo hraval oveckam na jeho farmne fest kyvali hlavu do teho :D fest šupa inštrument:steamthumbsup:
FlySick 29 Oca 2021 @ 9:16 
your discord mod seems to be a nicu guy :)
Buss **********.com 26 Kas 2020 @ 12:58 
biggest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ noob ive ever seen
Fujar 28 Eki 2020 @ 2:02 
gonza grindset 27 Eki 2020 @ 15:52 
protip: press m1 to cleanse totems