過去 2 週的遊戲時數:

已達成 4 / 13(31%)項成就:

"This House is Clear"

Complete the story.
解鎖於 2023 年 7 月 16 日 上午 1:12

New Beginnings

Jonas is your new step brother.
解鎖於 2023 年 7 月 16 日 上午 1:10

It's A Me

Jump the crazy chasm in the woods.
解鎖於 2023 年 7 月 16 日 上午 12:23

You'd just end up hating each other.

Keep Ren and Nona from dating.
解鎖於 2023 年 7 月 16 日 上午 1:10

Adler Letters, Pt. 1

Collect 4 of Maggie's letters.
0 / 4

Adler Letters, Pt. 2

Collect 8 of Maggie's letters.
0 / 8

Adler Letters, Pt. 3

Collect all of Maggie's letters.
0 / 13

Ghost Stories

Find all hidden frequencies.
0 / 12

I'm the Firestarter

Make enemies with all of your friends.

Renjamin Spanklin

Slap Ren in the face.

剩 3 項隱藏成就
