FR1TZ #TrackBallGaming
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No matter how strong the pain is, it's our duty to move forward. You're wrong for running away from reality. -Ryosuke Takahashi
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Hey guys its Fritz here with more tips for your everyday life, helping you out, bringing you wisdom. Hey im 27 I've been there I've done that I've been around the block. This next tip has to do with relationships. Love, romance, whatever you wanna call it. I'm gonna give you a surefire way to get her, your special someone, wrapped around your little finger. I mean they're gonna be just.. Ooohh thinking about you all day. Here's how you do it. You have to awaken the motherly instinct. You have to get your sweetie, your sweetie pie, to awaken her biological, uh, genetic motherly instinct. and it's very easy to do. I'm gonna show you how to do it. Kay? You ready? Here we go. (gets on hands and knees) Mommy! Mommy! (smacking lips)Baby Fritzy want milk! (slurping) Gimme milky! Mommy! Mooommy! Mommy mommy!! Mom! Mommy! Mommy Fritzy want milk! (slurping) Baby Fritzy hungry! Baby Fritzy Hungry!! I want milk!! WAAAAAAH!! Gimme milky! Gimme milky! Gimme milk! Wah wah wah!! Baby want milky! Here comes the baby! Baby Fritzy hungry! (crawling) Baby Fritzy want milky! (approaching) Gimme milky!! Gimmy milk! Here I come! I want milk!! GIMME TIT MILK! GIMME TIT MILK!! BABY FRITZY WANT TIT MILK!! BABY FRITZ WANT TIT MILK!!! BABY FRITZ WANT TIT MILK NOW! GIMME THE TIT MILK

Hey, I think you're a really talented guy. I've seen what you've been doing on the computer there, umm, and I'm just blown away by how good you are on the computer, and so, know what, I got a job for you. You're coming with me. You're hired, and uh, I got an opening for you at my firm, and how's this: starting salary $200,000 per annum. Whaddya think about that? Listen kid -- I need ya. I need ya on my team. I've seen what you can do on the computer. That's a -- that's a video 'cause um, you're all -- everybody has computer skills, and uh, you know, your parents, when you're young and you're playing ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Pokemon Red, and you're blowing your mom and dad's mind with how "he saved the file! How'd he do that? Hey, my kid's got computer skills!" So everybody hehehehehe, so we all sorta think that we um, that somehow I mean that somehow we'd be able to serve a function, or serve a purpose, or add -- bring value to the table in the corporate world, and it's not true at all, hahaha. Umm, and it's just funny; that's a funny thing to me: the, um, when you're fourteen, you're sixteen, and you can hook up a computer monitor, you know, your parents get a new ePC, or they get a computer they bought off QVC, they bought a Toshiba desktop, and it comes with full bloatware, and you're able to hook the monitor up and get the whole thing set up and running in fifteen minutes, and that blows their mind--they think you're some kind of savant. "Oh wow! Hey, you should see my kid! He hooked up my computer--he hooked up my computer in fifteen minutes! The kid was like a lightning! Watching his fingers, wow, goin', pluggin cords and things like that was crazy! He's like Neo from The Matrix! He's gonna grow up to get a big, important job! He's gonna grow up to be a millionaire! Just wait and see; he's gonna make me proud!" But really, what you were doing the whole time was buying someone's Diablo account on e
Bay. So, it really wasn't that special, was it? And now, you're twenty eight years old, and you don't have a skill. You aren't qualified to clean toilets. Let's just say that. You don't have--every job. Everything is above your pay grade! You're qualified to operate a vacuum, and it's just funny that your parents had such high hopes for you based on some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ piece of ♥♥♥♥ you made in Photoshop; you put on difference clouds and a lens flare, and your dad was so blown away it was like he was on wires in a movie, he went "PWOOSH Woah, my son's a computer genius! Look at this kid! Look at him! He took the family photographs and made 'em look like they were in a magazine or somethin! Geez!" But hey, you take a typing class, take a Mavis Beacon class, and soon, you'll be ready to earn! EARRRNNNN! For everybody out there who's at a dead end right now, or you're working your way up the corporate ladder, and it doesn't seem to be going fast enough--you're only making $55000 a year, and that's not enough money to live in a suburb of New York City or in New York City itself. You know, you spend $30,000, $35,000 a year on rent and food and upkeep, you're not left with much. You're not left with much at all. Is it really worth it? Would you break your back to save twenty grand? "Twenty grand, woah! That's a lot of money, woah!" How much did you save last year? How much do you have in savings right now? You've been working for three years, you got twelve hundred dollars in your savings account? That's cool. I can fix it just like this EEEIERIREIEEEE. "HEY! HEY YOU! YOU!" He didn't hear me. Sometimes, you just gotta dance, right? I like Good Morning America, I like Good Morning America, I like books on TV 'cause you know, when life sucks, and the country's going to ♥♥♥♥, and you got nothin, you just gotta dance. You just gotta dance. Hey, that's cool. Yeah! I think I've talked about this in another video. If you haven't watched Good Morning America, or you haven't, you have to go watch an episode of Good Morning America, and you have to be sitting in front of the TV as it's happening live. Don't watch a recorded one; watch a live one. Wake up in the morning, make yourself a coffee, go through the steps that everybody else goes through: you know, get cozy, you're sitting in your couch there, you're comfy, you have a nice warm cup of coffee, and then all your favorite playmates come on the TV, and they're just dancing. "Hey what happened in the news today? Oh wow we got new sports coming up? Woah, yeah! Yeah, that's cool. In other news today, we had a Oscar-winning actor, uh actor, uh, and he's, uh...what's going on is That's it from me today!" That's it guys. Hey, remember, everything's cool, there's nothing to worry about. Nothing bad is happening, nothing bad can ever happen, everything good's gonna happen, and there's nothing to worry about, and everything good is gonna happen to you, and nothing bad is gonna happen to you, and we're just everybody's just living. Just gonna live and let live.

You think you know music? Let me enlighten you, kid:

I've got 3 terabytes of 60's pre-ambient

800 gigs of live recordings of this local band called the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. They played only 2 shows before breaking up but I had 11 redundant recording rigs all recording flac which I then layered over one another for 25,000 kbps bitrate.

8 terabytes of the beatles. No not THOSE beatles, the new beatles. They haven't recorded an album yet and technically they're not really a band yet but they're indie-gospel-post-funk-punk style is going to be huge when you guys hear their stuff in about 5 years.

4 petabytes of the Ethiopian Free Jazz wave that occurred in 1973 in a town called Wenji Gefersi.

18 terabytes of sound check recordings from the mid 90's band LFO. They only scored a hit with "I like girls (who wear abercrombie and fitch)" but they were way ahead of their time.

That's just my C: drive. I have 41 drives

dobo 1 Oct, 2023 @ 1:40pm 
Piper Perri can get your teen urges steaming up to a breaking point so intense you’ll need to duck into a corner and wank one out the second her image flashes upon your computer screen. When we talk about petite little sluts, we have never been more literal about it than until Piper came on to the scene. She stands at 4 feet 9 inches, and needs to get up on her adorable little tippy toes to let some dude penetrate her ♥♥♥♥♥ from behind. This girl is light as a feather and will make you stiff as a board. She weighs just 80 pounds, so you could eas
dobo 12 May, 2023 @ 11:32pm 
dobo 18 Jun, 2022 @ 5:14pm 
Her Mars on his Ascendant is definitely an issue..she likely wants to be in charge of the relationship, although with Mars being In Cancer, it's possible she's somewhat subtle or passive aggressive about it. Her Venus is in detriment (weakest expression) in Aries; his Venus is in Aquarius..they likely have trouble with love expression toward one another. He also has Pluto, Saturn and Mars in his 5th house of sex and romance, which can make him mean, controlling and possibly kinky.
dobo 6 Dec, 2021 @ 4:24pm 
dobo 6 Dec, 2021 @ 4:23pm 
dobo 10 Mar, 2021 @ 1:29am 
Wtf am I jerking off to? How has my life gone so downhill that I'm jacking off to drawings? I think I know why my dad left. It's because he knew what I would be doing in 20 years from now. Is this my life now. Do I Really get ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ aroused when I see a stickman with boobs, I do. Who am I inside? I don't know because I'm too busy jerking off to stickmen with boobs.