Sugondese   Switzerland
sanz1of 13 sep, 2023 @ 10:56 
it took so long to write to me?) scared?
sanz1of 8 jun, 2023 @ 12:38 
i kniw why u 1 lvl loser and your friends too idiots
toilet cleaner 1 maj, 2023 @ 13:50 
living in a mudhut and cant afford microphone +1
Nyandere 14 okt, 2021 @ 15:44 
I love it when you stroke my hair. I feel as if we can understand each other through the contact between your hand and my hair. I love your voice. Just hearing you say one word makes my heart feel warmer. I love your eyes. Normally, they look stern, but when you're being kind to someone, I love the way they soften. I love your fingers. For a boy, you have such lovely fingers. But when they clutch me, I know they are the strong, slender fingers of a man. I love the way you walk. When we walk together, I love the way you occasionally turn, to make sure I keep up. I love the way you look when you sleep. You look unguarded, like an infant, and your eyelashes are on the long side. When I touch your cheek, you calm down... And when I playfully touch your lips, you don't even notice... And it makes my heart ache terribly. I love you.
Nyandere 13 okt, 2021 @ 13:20 
Nyandere 13 okt, 2021 @ 13:19 
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