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9.7 Hours played
Pixel Strike 3D stands as a glowing reminder that quality game design is rewarded in longevity and variety. Vulcron has not only updated the shooter but has completely outclassed its contemporaries. This is Pixel Strike, whatever the format you choose to play it on, and there isn't a higher recommendation than that.

The movement mechanics in this game are beyond excellent. One of the most unique things about the movement is that there is absolutely no momentum, so you always have to keep your fingers on at least one of the W A S D keys to keep moving, and for a guy like me who cant get enough of movement shooters like Quake, the ease of b-hopping makes this game EVEN MORE terrific.

The thriving community of this game keeps it alive. As soon as you start queueing, you are likely to find a full server (regardless of what mode you're playing on), which makes the game feel a lot smoother. Often times, you rarely have a game that is missing a player, and for such an old game, that is quite an impressive feat. The players themselves are the opposite of COD kids. Think 90% of the Animal Crossing fanbase, turned to 100%. This game's community will welcome you with open arms.

There are plenty of thrilling and fun modes in Pixel Strike such as Deathmatch, where your team faces off against the enemies to try to get the most kills by the time the timer runs out. It is quite an original concept which I have never seen before in a FPS. 1v1s are an exciting way to face off against other players which are all good, so 1v1s are for the most elite in the Pixel Strike 3D fanbase, and is often times rage enducing because of how gosh darn good the players are! Battle Royale has got to be my favourite mode out of them all, though. You face off against 20 players, and follow the typical "jump out of x thing at the beggining of the round and collect items," pattern, but this game does it different. This is by far, my favourite part of the game. Each weapon, when picked up, will give you a random skin (for the round). This is so cool. I could never have imagined Vulcron to be so generous as to give us skins, holy moly! The skins themselves are a pleasure as well. Lets talk about them!

Due to this game's blocky nature, skins are restricted by pixels, but yet again, Vulcron has outdone themselves. The skins look BEAUTIFUL. Even though the artists were limited, they excelled. Every skin is an original concept and is beautifully executed, unlike this games copier, Counter-Strike Global Offensive. CS:GO has copied this game's skins! The "Asiimov" pattern for several skins in CSGO copied an original concept from this game, which is obvious considering every Valve release (except Artifact, Artifact is amazing) has been horrible and the games have had no longevity. Sorry about that little rant, by the way. To wrap this section up, I think the skins in this game are quite amazing!

I have a really, really bad PC, and I can still run this game at 500 FPS (uncapped 800!!)! This is AMAZING OPTIMIZATION, the likes of which an amazing gamer like myself have never seen before. The graphics themselves are amazing and are better than games like Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Seige and Metro: Exodus (which both look horrible by the way). They are simply stunning, although simply, well, simple! The blocky style of Pixel Strike 3D is unique and really cool! Overall, you won't get a better visual experience with any game, Pixel Strike simply OBLITERATES the competition.

Get this FPS. Please. It is the best thing gamers like you and I will ever experience, better than the touch of a woman and deaths embrace. Pixel Strike 3D, by Vulcron games, can be compared to the second coming of Christ. I highly recommend Pixel Strike.
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