Capitano Fonzarelli
Привет из Алакуртти! Спасибо 2002-2017 - честь ветеранов не забываем.

Hardest mill crew in town, hoe to muzzle and even with bat. Bay monkeys to Stallion Matthews.
Currently Offline
Swift 31 Aug, 2019 @ 8:19am 
Benny Harvey R.I.P
Miss ye big man gone but no forgotten.
prop joe 13 Mar, 2019 @ 3:49pm 
När din mamma drar undan gardinerna i ditt rum på morgonen så skriker du:"TEAMFLASH, JÄVLA NOOB"
När du äter byter du snabbt från kniv till gaffel och tillbaka.
När du ska gå till skolan tar du genast fram kniven för att kunna springa fortare.
När du skriker: "SLUTA BLOCKA JÄVLA NOOBS" i kön till maten.
När du tror tror att skyltdockorna i affären är folk som har laggat fast.
När du skriker:"NEED BACKUP!"på prov.
När väckarklockan piper så springer du genast och hämtar verktygslådan för att defusa.
prop joe 7 Feb, 2019 @ 1:17pm 
I must commend you on your choice of profile pics; they really advertise your biological prowess. Your voluptuous figure, along with your fair complexion, tells me that you are healthy, and therefore would make a great choice for a breeding partner. I must ask though, How would you rate your ability to climb trees? I ask because, in the off chance a ground predator were to loom the horizon we could both escape via the trees without me having to risk my life in an attempt to defend you from said predator. If my instincts are correct, then I believe a biological pairing between us may be a practical and mutually benefitting affair. Would you be available for some light discourse? That is very good to know, since I could not possibly fathom being with a girl who cannot climb trees. This is going splendid so far. How would you rate your abilities in combat?
Swift 13 Sep, 2018 @ 3:05am 
I can give my Butterfly Knife Tiger Tooth for all of your csgo graffities and cases (Im collecting them) so if it's ok for you send me trade offer please. Bö
zurxo 10 Apr, 2018 @ 11:01am 
I hope you realise how unfunny you are. My father happens to be in the US army and he has many guns and he will not hesitate to find you and shoot your 12 year old ass. I also happen to be a member of the scouts and they have taught me many tracking skills that will be needed to hunt you down like a dog. You understand me idiot? Good

does finger on neck gesture

Your dead meat, kid
prop joe 1 Mar, 2018 @ 3:15pm 
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