xhair: CSGO-fmWLc-W5pei-fNFjx-4JJKS-xXxTC

FACEIT [www.faceit.com]
Thorana júl. 5., 12:26 
Sniper power
Gavilen jún. 20., 10:00 
lets play together
Tojashicage jún. 4., 7:42 
Let's prove we're the best duo.
2 máj. 15., 9:05 
his map awareness is worse than Christopher Columbus
TrenboloN márc. 29., 10:47 
known for his signature tactic "going B, but then going A". He also has a second little known tactic of "going A, but going A". What an absolute legend. Top 3 IGL for sure
BmF | Ogi febr. 18., 15:05 