Vatican City State (Holy See)
The west has fallen

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White-Asian children are twice as likely as Asians to have mental illness.
>Source: http://news.ucdavis.edu/search/news_detail.lasso?id=8732
“Nonwhite daters gain status by dating any White. Whites, on the other hand, have little to gain by dating minorities.”
>Source: http://sf.oxfordjournals.org/content/89/3/807.abstract
White/Black babies are less healthy than White babies.
>Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2867623/
Mixed race couples are more likely to have stillborn babies than same-race couples.
>Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15994621
Black-White children are more likely than both Black and Whites to make poor decisions.
>Source: http://www.nber.org/papers/w14192
90% of women who have a child with a Black man never marry the father.
>Source: https://www.docdroid.net/YLByGx9/paper-ninety-two-percent-examining-the-birth-trends-family-structure-economic-standing-paternal-relationships-and-emotional-stability-of-biracial-children-with-african-american-fathers-pdf
77% of women who have children with Black men earn less than $10,000 a year.
>Source: https://www.docdroid.net/YLByGx9/paper-ninety-two-percent-examining-the-birth-trends-family-structure-economic-standing-paternal-relationships-and-emotional-stability-of-biracial-children-with-african-american-fathers-pdf
98% of White women who have children with Black men are not financially supported by the father.
>Source: https://www.docdroid.net/YLByGx9/paper-ninety-two-percent-examining-the-birth-trends-family-structure-economic-standing-paternal-relationships-and-emotional-stability-of-biracial-children-with-african-american-fathers-pdf
The average White woman who has kids with a Black man earns $7250 a year, excluding welfare.
>Source: https://www.docdroid.net/YLByGx9/paper-ninety-two-percent-examining-the-birth-trends-family-structure-economic-standing-paternal-relationships-and-emotional-stability-of-biracial-children-with-african-american-fathers-pdf
97% of White women who have children with Black men have used welfare.
>Source: https://www.docdroid.net/YLByGx9/paper-ninety-two-percent-examining-the-birth-trends-family-structure-economic-standing-paternal-relationships-and-emotional-stability-of-biracial-children-with-african-american-fathers-pdf
97% of Black fathers who have children with White women are not active in their children’s lives.
>Source: https://www.docdroid.net/YLByGx9/paper-ninety-two-percent-examining-the-birth-trends-family-structure-economic-standing-paternal-relationships-and-emotional-stability-of-biracial-children-with-african-american-fathers-pdf

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Time-FliffanyH-: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/508774941177561088/v9rUJf3L.jpeg
gnappm 12 Aug, 2014 @ 5:42am 
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shank 26 May, 2014 @ 2:44am 
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