Gabriele   Italy
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Odehráno 2,7 hodin
Short as an animalcule little finger (the game could be completed in about half an hour on the first playthrough) but the premises are really intriguing, and the story is fine (if you like the genre). Characters are, with few exception, a bit too unidimensional to be really appreciated or disliked. Same for the story, most of the question raised can be handwaved "A Wizard Did It" style. One thing that can be really tedious on replays (or in the first run too if you are enough genre savvy to understand that selling your soul to a creepy witch is exactly as a good idea as it sounds like) is the extreme railroading.

Valuation: Fine. 68% of your soul out of 100%

Nice story but it could have been much better with a little more effort. Worth the price if you can buy it for less than a dollar
XMJ 8. pro. 2019 v 9.07 
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tuljiks 28. led. 2017 v 21.53 
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