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Seneste anmeldelser af FizzleXMutt

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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
5.9 timer registreret i alt
Tried getting into this game as a new player that missed out on playing it back when it first released and not gonna lie... finding out that years worth of the original content was straight up removed and is now impossible to play left a real sour taste in my mouth.

It's a shame too, because the game-play itself wasn't half bad (not exactly anything spectacular thought either), but the story was a jumbled mess that sounded like nonsense due to all the names and lore I was expected to know right off the bat (which I have no way of playing through the original content to experience and understand better) and chock full of moments that seemed like they SHOULD have been impactful but just weren't, due to me not getting a chance to even know the characters before things started happening.

On top of that, the overall UI experience was just as cluttered, hard to navigate, and pushed you towards paying real money for content that may very well just end up getting removed in a year or two worth of time anyway. Gonna have to skip on this one due to how unfriendly it is to newcomers to the franchise and spend my money on better games that won't randomly delete entire campaigns worth of story that people paid good money for when it becomes too much of a hassle to keep that content in for the developers.

Should have just made Destiny 3 instead, Bungie.
Skrevet: 18. januar. Sidst redigeret: 18. januar.
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5 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
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5.7 timer registreret i alt
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
As much as I wanted to enjoy this game more, with the amount of effort the devs clearly put into the setting and design of the world, it's just lacking in every department. Atmosphere, scares, gameplay...even the ability to even finish the game are all sorely missing from the experience; and seeing as the last update was years ago at this point, it seems safe to say that it will remain this way.

Could've been better with further effort, but ultimately, in the words of my parents: I'm not mad, just disappointed.
Skrevet: 30. juni 2019.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
3.9 timer registreret i alt (3.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Masterfully and artfully done game that very much revolves around the idea of storytelling and plays with that concept beautifully. Each and every story experienced throughout this game has its own unique charm to it that perfectly captures and reflects the personality of the family member behind it in a way that allows you to get emotionally invested; something that makes it all the more poignant when the game inevitably rips you back to reality. All in all, a very enjoyable game that left me wanting more. Highly recommend this one, even at full price.
Skrevet: 1. maj 2017.
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