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kayıtlarda 8.3 saat
I don't really understand how a single person built such an intricately woven game. Aside from having to figure out how to not get motion sickness from the visuals, the game nailed every aspect of what it was going for.
Yayınlanma 26 Aralık 2023.
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kayıtlarda 3.6 saat
This is definitely an indie game, both in aesthetic and design and certainly in scope. So know what you're getting into. It's not as polished as a AAA game but it certainly has a lot of charm that takes a lot of cues from Half-Life 2.

Things that were great:
++ The reason it probably caught your attention was the art design and it shines in full force throughout the game. Certain aspects do feel dated like large wall textures and reoccuring models. But overall, there were many parts where I felt wowed by a scene or set piece.
++ The sound design was superb all round. From the guns to the enemies. (Only small gripe was the train noise).
++ Along with that, the music was also great for the whole time.
++ Combining those 3, the game really nails the atmosphere it is aiming for and you certainly feel the tension and eeriness of the world.

Things that were good:
+ The story felt a little off at times but it summed up to some genuinely heart felt moments.
+ The gameplay is also fairly basic compared to modern FPSs but also well done for what it was. Certain scenes were quite tense and involved.
+ All the guns felt like they had a purpose, even the pistol. And ammo felt sufficiently scarce where you felt the pinch but never frustrated.
+ Overall, the game felt very well paced between set pieces, exposition and fights.

Things that were lackluster (even for their scope):
- Very little gameplay variety. They make do the best they can probably with the limited enemy types but the middle section of the game does start to feel rote.
- All the puzzles felt pointless and counter-intuitive at times. None felt satisfying.
- Certain decisions (like being able to pick everything up) felt like a relic from the past without any bearing for the game.

Overall though, if you don't mind the gameplay of Half-Life 2 today, then this game does a great job setting you in an eerie, unfamiliar but fantastic looking place with tense gameplay and an intriguing story to string you along.
Yayınlanma 21 Kasım 2021.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 8.5 saat
TLDR; gameplay is a novel platformer with extremely tight controls and a satisfying gameplay loop. The story is simple but has a potent landing that does a fantastic job embracing the gameplay systems. The visuals are very pretty and customisation options are a wonderful touch.

Gameplay Much like their previous game, Creature in the Well, Stonefly focuses primarily on a solid and novel core gameplay loop with tight controls and interesting enemies/interactions. I also really enjoyed that game. The mechanics are a little unusual to pick up at first given how different the main movements and camera perspective are from other games. But by a few hours in, I found myself using all the abilities pretty much on-cooldown dipping and weaving between bugs and satisfyingly flushing them off with full control of my rig.

Story Unlike Creature in the Well, the plot and character arcs this time around is a lot more obvious and wonderfully presented with surprisingly little dialogue given how potent the story lands. It's one of the best games in recent memory that has done such a great job blending the final message of the story with the major mechanics and systems in the game.

So if you like getting really familiar with uncommon control schemes in a game that'll take you roughly 6 hours to beat, I do give this a recommend.

Minor gripes: I wish there was a way to pause the narrative text during gameplay. The game seemed confused about whether it wanted the player to explore or not; where there would be many parts of the map that let you venture out without any reward or acknowledgement but still expected you to find secrets. I wish the horde mode was a little harder. It felt repetitive enough that I just quite at level 50.
Yayınlanma 14 Temmuz 2021.
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kayıtlarda 0.6 saat
The game starts out a little awkward since the mechanic forces you to choose past or current events based on conversations. But by the final chapter, the way the mechanics work make for a stupidly powerful ending.
Yayınlanma 22 Aralık 2015.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 12.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 7.2 saat)
I cannot stop playing this game!

Controls are tight! Level design is dope! Soundtrack is unreal!

And the trashy glitch style is so refreshingly cool.

If you enjoyed the carely detail and preciseness that they brought to Nidhogg, you're really like this. And if you didn't like Nidhogg because the content was lacking, you will also like this. Plus there's an editor with Steam Workshop compatibility and there's already some decent community levels out there. With plenty more to come I'm sure.

A few release bugs are pretty much my only qualm. But the developer is alredy all over that with instant replies so that's really all you can ask for.
Yayınlanma 25 Ağustos 2015.
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kayıtlarda 16.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 8.7 saat)
A very fun game that completely consumes your time. The difficulty scales with you which makes the game continually satisfying no matter what level your playing. As for the actual gameplay, it's simple but as the pace picks up, the game becomes exteremely gratifying. You'll have to pick your targets to keep your combos up.

The skills add an extra element to the game, but aren't really essential until you're going for leaderboard status.

It is also hilarious at times, and a huge throwback to those stick animations that capitvated my 10 year-ago self.

Only caveat is the fairly racist narrator and the music that gets pretty repetetive. Thankfully, both can be turned off in the main menu.
Yayınlanma 10 Mart 2014.
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