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投稿日: 2017年8月28日 2時22分
更新日: 2021年1月3日 5時09分

Edit 1100 hours in game (NEGATIVE REVIEW)
The game is death spiral for activity due devs are not able to fix the game, cheaters are getting more clever and devs don't even bother banning cheaters anymore. Just trivial updates, more skins, more monthly paid features that should have been free, the game has become boring, old bugs return etc.

There probably were some good things they did but they are overhadowed by other ♥♥♥♥.


Edit: 700 hours in game (NEGATIVE REVIEW)

To developers: Cucks
To cheaters: Please delete yourself from gene pool
Me: I uninstalled PUBG and asked for refund.

Devs: You don't know anything
Cheaters: You killed this game, congratulations
Me: I lost 30€ for this ♥♥♥♥.


Edit: 500 hours in game (Positive review)

Developers have made some changes, new map, new movement mechanics (jump vaulting), flare air drops and much better armored vehicle that is actually more useful, less cheaters, desync and bloodsplatter lags are fixed. Ranking still not working properly.

Now just needs more content and bullet penetration mechanics for at least soft materials like curtains and wood fences.


Edit: 300 hours in game (Negative review)

Unistalled game today, Desync, bloodspatter lag, All other ♥♥♥♥ that is going inside with ♥♥♥♥ servers, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up ranking, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up map selection. Just don't bother. Desync ranges from 500ms to 2000ms, so good riddance.


Edit: 240 hours in game... (Negative review)
Lots of things has changed... not necessarily for better... A lot cheating in-game, some guys are more clever hiding it but if you report cheaters and it is obvious they did it, they will get banned very fast.

Ranking... oh it just doesn't seem to be working... Pro level (or cheaters) are still in most of my games, there is promise it will change but I have some doubts...

There is FINALLY a training mode! PLAY THIS BEFORE GOING FOR SOLO/DUO/SQUAD, try many weapons as you can, make a little challenges for yourself... hit all targets on 100m without miss... move to 200m hit all targets without miss, if you miss you shoot again closer targets, then move up when you can do it. Trust me, Aim & experience is everything in this game.

Vehicles still buggy, feel like bricks... Who would have thought making suspension work is so hard?

Still no material penetration... there was a teaser video but not yet implemented...

Wait times still horribly LONG...

-----------------(Early access review under)---------------------------------
(Positive review)
Has high skill cap but luckily there is ranking system that lets you advance or drop down fast and thus you play with players around similar skills. Watching streamers or youtube guides help a lot to during early access because there is no tutorial, there is no shooting range and most importantly you will die a lot.

About 80 hours on the clock when writing this and I am still total newbie but I am improving according to statistics, more kills, surviving longer, not anymore panicking that much when being shooted at.

Just wish material penetration would come so your own shots would not be blocked by scrap wood fence or window frame.

Also this game is the most fun in squad games, hilarious moments are best shared with friends.
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