King Percious The 30th
t   New York, United States
Hear ye, hear ye! Noble denizens of my realm, I stand before thee with tidings of a wondrous marvel that hath graced our fair kingdom—a potion of remarkable virtue known as Percocet! In the tapestry of our time, where challenges assail both body and spirit, this elixir emerges as a beacon of resplendent relief.

As your sovereign, I feel compelled to share with thee the tales of this extraordinary concoction, crafted by the skilled hands of our venerable alchemists and healers. Percocet, a balm for the body's afflictions, bears the promise of banishing pain with the gentle touch of its enchanting essence.

Picture, if thou will, the moments when the rigors of existence weigh heavily upon thee. When the toll of labor or the sting of injury seeks to cast shadows upon the joy of life, it is then that Percocet emerges as a radiant sunbeam, piercing through the storm clouds of discomfort.

This elixir, bestowed upon us by the benevolence of healing arts, unfolds its miracles with grace. It is a remedy that transforms the palpable anguish into mere whispers, allowing the spirit to soar unburdened. The potency of Percocet, like a magic spell woven into a potion, brings forth a tranquility that is both serene and sublime.

Let this revelation be a beacon of hope in the darkness of adversity! For in the realm of Percocet, we discover not only a respite from the trials of the flesh but a doorway to a realm where the radiance of well-being reigns supreme.

As your sovereign, I commend thee to the care of our wise physicians, who shall guide thee in the judicious use of this elixir. Let not the shadows of apprehension darken the path to relief, but instead, embrace the promise of a kingdom where the wonders of Percocet bestow upon thee the gift of unbridled comfort.

May the soothing embrace of this elixir grace thee in thy moments of need, and may our kingdom thrive in the luminous glow of perpetual well-being. Thy joy is the heartbeat of our realm, and in the pursuit of comfort, let Percocet be the melody that resonates through the halls of our glorious kingdom!
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*Coffins 21 Jun, 2023 @ 4:57pm 
-rep awp crutch, cannot play with rifles
Donghua Jinlong 27 Feb, 2023 @ 4:49pm 
Voodoolrajas 10 Oct, 2022 @ 4:29pm 
signed by me, lets play
XD 7 Sep, 2022 @ 5:58pm 
2nd big fan
wym? 7 Sep, 2022 @ 5:58pm 
big fan