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skype (swe) 24 févr. à 9h06 
xbox 18 nov. 2023 à 16h18 
Crazy Frog with a noticeably disproportionate body and a massive erection hovers in the air. Its tiny, beady eyes are fixated on Mike Wakowzki from Monsters Inc., who lies in bed, tucked under his covers with his back to the viewer. The Crazy Frog, with a mischievous grin spread across its face, leans in close to whisper something into Mike's ear while delicately tucking a fluffy pillow under his arm. Its erection, which dwarfs the rest of its body, points directly at Mike's ear, creating an even more absurd and surreal atmosphere. In the background, a lone nightlight flickers softly, casting a warm glow across the room, contrasting with the otherwise spooky ambiance. The image seems to suggest a playful and twisted version of the classic bedtime routine, where the unassuming Mike Wakowzki is about to receive a very unique and unusual form of goodnight whisper from the Crazy Frog with a huge erection.
skype (swe) 18 nov. 2023 à 11h50 
klantskalle 11 aout 2023 à 15h50 
skype (swe) 7 juin 2023 à 4h51 
en apsoppa med apläsk och aptårta till efterrätt tack ^^
KnarkKalas 29 avr. 2023 à 10h34 
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......\.............\( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)..../............./ din papa ska vet den vi gift os inom 1 munad, anars jag knul daj