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13 van de 13 (100%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Wrong Way

That's not right
Ontgrendeld op 26 mrt 2012 om 11:45

Altitude is Attitude

Exploration off the ground
Ontgrendeld op 26 jul 2013 om 16:46

It's Stuck

Prepare a dry landing
Ontgrendeld op 31 jul 2019 om 12:29

Urban Exploration

Involves heavy lifting
Ontgrendeld op 31 jul 2019 om 12:36

Alone in the Dark

Beneath the arthropod
Ontgrendeld op 27 mrt 2012 om 16:47

Climbing the Cog

Don't pull the lever just because you can
Ontgrendeld op 31 jul 2019 om 12:41


Ride the crates
Ontgrendeld op 15 mei 2012 om 17:17

Guided by Sparks

The crate is key
Ontgrendeld op 31 jul 2019 om 12:43

Under Ground

Vertical passageway
Ontgrendeld op 31 jul 2019 om 12:44

Going Up

Don't let gravity keep you down
Ontgrendeld op 27 mei 2012 om 18:08

Where Credit is Due

Perseverance has its own reward
Ontgrendeld op 27 mei 2012 om 18:08

No Point in Dying

Complete the game in one sitting with five or less deaths
Ontgrendeld op 5 aug 2019 om 19:58


Running off will get you nowhere
Ontgrendeld op 31 jul 2019 om 13:17