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기록상 43.0시간 (평가 당시 27.9시간)
Terraria and Necesse went to a cafe, met Stardew Valley (or Sun Haven), then shimmied to a nearby club to canoodle with both Factorio and Minecraft to produced this lovely specimen.

This game has it all:
  • Crafting that gets more advanced the further you progress into the game.
  • All three class archetypes—the most recent being the introduction of the caster (mage/warlock) through v1.0.
  • Agriculture for living a laid-back lifestyle of a farmer.
  • Fishing.
  • Pets hatched from eggs, a few of which can also fight!
  • Interesting and unique bosses and fights with them that have mechanics we can learn.
  • NPCs we can invite to homes we can build for them.
  • Beautifully crisp graphical fidelity in a pixelated art style, that reminds me of the Golden Age of RPGs, which make building very worthwhile to do and very satisfying to look at once completed.
    • This includes all of the little sprites (equipment. furniture, player model, et cetera).
  • Graphical effects that look stunning because of the aforementioned

I've been playing this a little from time to time before the big update, but my friend and I had an immeasurably fun time playing it together when v1.0 released. My only issues with the game so far is that there is no way to stop items from being automatically added to the item bar. Also, while this may be a tall order, I would have loved to be able to swim and have a swimming skill associated with it—perhaps for some underwater content?

Another issue I forgot to mention, which I suppose is understandable given how new it is within this update, is that there doesn't seem to be any way to craft magical equipment—no dedicated crafting tables for them, so we unfortunately have to pillage and loot to hope for a chance to obtain such items. Also, I really wish there were supportive magical equipment—staves or wands that can heal or regenerate HP—for players who enjoy playing as a healer for cooperative play-styles.

Either way, as an lover of action-adventure sandbox RPGs, I consider this game a stellar multifaceted gem that I was and still am happy to have discovered.
2024년 9월 1일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 9월 4일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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62명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
37명이 이 평가가 재미있다고 함
기록상 222.5시간
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I loved this game enough to ritualistically anticipate every single Thursday for an update; I adored—used to adore the developer for his creative mind enough to support him with my own ideas and time spent seeking out bugs for him, but I'm now learning that the same mind I once adored harbors hatred towards groups of people that members of my friends and my family are connected with because of their lifestyles.

To support a developer with such hatred in his mind and heart towards those people is to support that same hatred that wishes harm—both physical and mental—to my friends and my family, and I have no desire to turn on the people I allied myself with because of the struggles they go through every single day of their life to achieve the same acceptance heterosexuals and cisgenders have the luxury of enjoying throughout their lifetimes.

Artur, I hope you find the time for introspection to reflect upon your abominable actions but seeing as you are thanking people on Twitter who share the same mindset as you to various concerning degrees, I already know that is unlikely.

EDIT FOR PREVIOUS DEV RESPONSE: Given your continuation of your inflammatory actions, which includes the garnering of the support of bigots and fascists who wish nothing but oppression and harm, I have no intention of rejoining where you may privately explain your position. I'd rather wait until that explanation is made public through you or someone else, but until then—assuming that explanation won't be fueled by the agenda furthering your tirade but one fueled by introspection for the desire of reconciliation, my review will remain negative.

As for the rest of you who gave me the "Jester" award out of spite, thank you kindly for your donations. I will put those Steam Points to much better use.

A recommendation that I've been following for quite some time, check out Sigil of Kings.

A very promising open-world roguelike that shows a lot of potential and isn't managed by a hatemongering and misologistic developer:

2024년 8월 25일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 9월 6일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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2024년 8월 29일 오전 11시 35분 에 개발자가 답변함 (답변 보기)
아직 아무도 이 평가가 유용하다고 하지 않음
기록상 308.3시간 (평가 당시 2.1시간)
I'm just happy to finally see a sequel after about thirteen years of exhausting Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen.

Dragon's Dogma is still my utmost favorite RPG out there, and this one exceeded my expectations with its level of detail for its NPCs and the world they inhabit, its minimalistic yet aesthetic U.I. and menus, and the breadth of its world that teeming with life (including the dense shrubbery) every where I look around.

The pawns even talk among themselves now and share witty banter unlike they did in the prequel, and we can interact more with them as the Arisen. This makes them more disheartening to dismiss or lose to an unfortunate circumstance.

They've also addressed some concerns with balancing of the prequel such as Warrior being mostly useless and the Mage facing a similar situation due to not having valuable spells in comparison to the Sorcerer and Magick Archer, aside from Grapnel.

Right now, my main issue right now is the optimization, but I'd like to assume Capcom is or will be working on that.

My other qualms:

  • Mages and Sorcerers can no longer manually aim lock-on spells like they could in the prequel by pressing R3.

Character Creator
  • Can't customize feet and hands.
  • Muscle definition is lacking across many skin types—mainly for the feminine body types.
  • Human masculine body hair appears to be "drawn" squiggles but at least looks decent from a distance.
  • Claw and tooth length aren't customizable for beastren.

  • No longer possible to throw items from our inventories at NPCs like in the prequel.
  • Dragonsplague ruins saves by instantly obliterating an obscene amount of NPCs, which may alter ongoing quests in the process, in a settlement last rested in. They can be revived, but this may take a tremendous amount of Wakestones or an one-use Eternal Wakestone from the Sphinx—if we're lucky enough to kill her for it—that is available only once per new game. (Normally, I would not spoil things for others, but that was my mistake that I was punished for not knowing. I should have spoiled myself to prevent this, and I don't want others to unknowingly suffer the same. I assumed we would have to fight our Main Pawn as if they were possessed yet on a grander scale.)

  • I've noticed several caves have grey polygons in them, as if their rock textures haven't loaded in, but everywhere else is fine. (Could be a "me" thing, but I am seeing other complaints about textures as well.)

  • Followed the prequel's vocation formula but made a mess of it as explained below.
  • Only three "hybrid" vocations, all of which are primarily magical.
  • Only two "advanced" vocations for two out of four basic vocations.
  • One "hybrid" vocation with new colors that didn't introduce two new basic vocations nor two new "advanced" vocations for those colors.
2024년 3월 22일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 4월 1일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 193.9시간 (평가 당시 1.0시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
Unfortunately, after ruminating on this for a time, I decided to change my review to not only alert others but to share my experiences as I felt it was not right to leave my review as a positive one after what happened to me.

Throughout my time playing Fractured Online, I spent it participating in the tests I had the opportunity to join, hunting for bugs to share with their development time before and after it's release (x2), and churning ideas out of my head that I could fabricate into feedback or suggestions for the benefit for this game.

I've never participated in this game's community to be a "doomsayer", a spiteful individual, nor a troll—only to be a source of aid for this game as a consumer, but it seems the community did not see it that way which I will detail below in order of when they occurred:

Game Masters & Admins
  1. There have been two instances where I was ignored when I requested aid—once when I was stuck on 11/22/2023 at 4:18 AM and it took three hours for a Game Master to log in and see that I was asking for help despite requesting it on 4:18 AM in the #player-help channel.
  2. The second instance was when my wagons were stuck inside of a rock spire on 01/30/2024 at 12:43 PM. Again, I asked for help in #player-help, and I was actively ignored by Game Masters that were online—one of which talked in #player-help—for an entire day. I lost my wagons that day, and I do not know if they expired or were deleted out of spite.
  3. To add to the second bullet, I e-mailed Fractured's support team for aid after seven hours passed, and like my previous e-mail regarding an issue with my account, they never responded.
  4. There was a period when new Game Masters were recruited for both the official Discord server and the game, and there was one in particular (Diaz Ragu) who would take my messages, which were not directed at him—either an answer to someone else's question or a contribution to a benign conversation, out of proportion and made them out to be messages with ill intent. This started the shortly after he was recruited, and whenever he did this, it would incite altercations in the community against me on his behalf because of his status as a Game Master.

The Community
As it is typical of communities to be belligerent and "troll-y" in games that are focused on PvP, Fractured is no stranger to that and this adversely affects its new player retention.
  1. I've often seen new players be ridiculed in the game's global chat after dying to a mechanic, being killed by a NPC and losing their things, or being murdered by a player and having their inventory stolen. I haven't seen those players speak again in the global chat.
  2. Sharing feedback and suggestions, which cannot be done privately, was a daunting thing to do because I typically saw arguments and vitriol in each thread that featured one those members did not like and this occurred more frequently with feedback regarding PvP and suggestions that were inspired by another game. Again, no effort was made to ensure sending feedback or suggestions was a safe thing to do.
  3. There was an instance where two individuals were spouting racist nonsense, that they tried to veil as harmless messages, and one of the Game Masters kept giving them chances to stop which they would not. It took some time, but another Game Master stepped in and finally muted the individual. I was disappointed in this because there should be no tolerance for hate speech—it should not have taken that long for those individuals to be punished.
  4. There was another individual who spammed the game's [Global] chat with large messages under the guise of "helping" by demonstrating that code was possible in-game. Since there is not a block/mute feature in Fractured, this caused great disruption. I reported it in the official Discord server where that individual noticed and started insulting my pronouns and another individual joined in to do the same. The Game Masters did not care in the slightest.
  5. Those that were unlucky enough to get banned, which did not occur often, came back with alternative Discord accounts. Some of these ban evaders were left to their own devices where they picked up where they were forcefully left off by being problematic, and it led to either them getting bored or the Game Masters finally banning them again which—as mentioned earlier—rarely occurred to these individuals because rule enforcement to curb belligerence also rarely occurred.
  6. There was an instance where an individual stalked another individual across several Discord servers they were in due to a disagreement they had which occurred in this game's official Discord server.
  7. The official Discord server constantly had "doomsayers", trolls, and belligerent individuals that were rarely reprimanded by the Game Masters. The example I shared above of that particular Game Master that kept trying to inflame the intent of my messages and other members of the Discord following suit to defend him by attacking me is an example of this. This makes the official Discord server an unsafe place for new and old players to communicate in unless you're part of their cliques due to the lack of moderation from unbiased and just moderators.

    If proof of what I detailed is needed, I will be more than willing to search through the official Discord to take screenshots and to look through my older clips/screenshots of the in-game occurrences.

    The reason why I am sharing all of this is because I don't want people to waste their money and time on this game only to have an awful experience with this game's administration, moderation, and community like I did. I bought and joined this game's community a few years ago with the intent to help in its development, but it seems I made a fatal mistake in doing so, and I regret my decision.

    As mentioned in the previous version of my review, this will be the LAST game I back with money due to how often this has been occurring. To those that have read this far, understand that actions have consequences, and just because you have been privileged with the option to do harm to others through your elevated status does not mean it will go unnoticed. Administrators and moderators represent their game through their actions, and the ones of this game acted poorly.

    Fractured itself is still as beautiful and as stellar of an immersive experience, that still needs plenty of polishing and its potential realized, as I described it before in the first version of my review. However, Fractured's authority and community is not, which mars its beauty as a whole, and I will not be playing nor changing my review back into a positive one until I see a change in that regard. (I would not be surprised if my access to this game was revoked after this review
2023년 12월 7일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 3월 2일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 61.9시간 (평가 당시 18.9시간)
Once opened and played, Moonring blatantly shows that it is a labor of love and the amount of overall work that went into its making proves as much.

I only wish that I could nominate it as such. If you ever plan on making a sequel to Moonring, I'll happily pay for it.
2023년 11월 23일에 게시되었습니다.
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1명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 128.6시간 (평가 당시 70.8시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
To keep my review short and sweet about Wayfinder, it's like Destiny and Warframe met at a convention, Destiny said some smooth and suave words to Warframe, they became a couple, got married, had a child, and that child happened to be Wayfinder. It's everything I wanted from Warframe with all of the science fiction stripped away from it.

There are bugs, which always come with a new game—especially online ones, and the movement (WASD and SPACE) is a little snappy and slippery—the latter for terrain like rocks, ledges, and so on, but that's something that can be easily improved over time once the more glaring issues are out of Airship Syndicate's way.

As for the bulk of the negative reviews, yes, Wayfinder had a very troubled start because of the overflow of players causing server instability, but they have been working hard to rectify those issues which they have been keeping us up to date with in their official Discord server and at the main menu of their game.

Every online game suffers these kind of issues when they reach Early Access or full release. It is nothing new, and I wish more people could be more understanding about that. It was sad to see so many people spew vitroil at the devs and other players who were supporting them. Either way, I'm in for the long haul just like I was for Warframe.
2023년 8월 24일에 게시되었습니다. 2023년 8월 24일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 249.1시간 (평가 당시 2.0시간)
For the people who came across several reviews and threads that are spreading misinformation about Sentry Anti-Cheat being malware or spyware, please take a look at these two links before you decide to heed them:

Personally, despite the negative reviews, I'm having an immense amount of fun.

I love all things medieval, all things magical, and I enjoy fantasy warfare (not you, Sci-Fi) and this bundles it all together in a nice and neat package of chaos on a battlefield. I also really like how rewarding the progression system is per battle.

What I like about this game:
  • The combat system (when it works as intended).
  • The diversity of the classes' arsenal.
  • How the wizards cast their 'Magic Arrow' spell. (LITERALLY finger guns.)
  • How rewarding the progression system feels and how exciting the possible rewards may be as a new player.
  • How large and chaotic the battlefields are—the '5-Army Battle' specifically.
  • How well the supportive magic class is represented in terms of their buffing and healing capabilities.
  • How well the offensive magic class is represented in terms of their range and destructive capabilities.
  • Mechanics and skills that encourage cooperation in an amusing and fun way.
  • The ability to create and customize our own characters to choose from similarly to how MOBAs and Shooters have champions/heros to choose from but aren't customizable.
  • The array of modifiers on armor and weapons.

My only complaints so far:
  • We can't rename our characters. (They're stuck as Cleric/Warrior/Wizard #.)
  • Gender-locked classes.
  • Inventory clutter. (There should be a more organized way to display many of the same abilities/spells and items—such as a drop-down list when multiples of one thing has been unlocked and accumulated—as well as a way to dispose of them. There is a way to sell items that I didn't initially see.)
  • Very basic leaderboard that does not show many important statistics for each class played that everyone should know.
  • Desync. (Some attacks hit on your client/screen but decide not to register because the target was not hit on their client/screen. This seems to also affect gates as players and their attacks can phase through them.)
  • Warriors are very oppressive and too mobile. They are overtuned and do too much for what their role calls for.
  • Melee combat is unfortunately about who lands the first hit and how fast they can attack. Clerics attack too slow, so it's easy to interrupt their combos while warriors attack too fast which lets them lock players in a stagger animation off its cooldown.
  • A recent change to the durability of certain fortifications made matches end too quickly in "PUB stomps".

The most concerning complaint I have that others have also brought to everyone's attention:
  • A suspicious anti-cheat software that does not uninstall when the game is uninstalled. From what others have claimed, it sends information—I don't know what kind of information—to Japan. Seems like this has already been addressed, so it's safe to disregard all of the negative reviews and threads about this.

I'll expand upon this review as I continue to play, but for right now, I'm loving this game.
2023년 1월 24일에 게시되었습니다. 2023년 2월 7일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 10.7시간 (평가 당시 8.6시간)
Update 4/1/2023: As of January 20th of this review's year, the companions can now do what the developer of Zorbus edited into their response on the 21st of the aforementioned month.

While I'm still slightly discontent with the companions dumping any equipment they cannot immediately use, which is understandable to not turn them into pack mules, the inability to share via rationing devices (that I found on my own) among them and take some of them back if I accidentally sent too much or need to ration them again was what caused me the most discontentment.

Thank you for making this change and considering the suggestion of the person who originally made it.

Response to Dev's Response: The minority that were exploiting (performing "cheesey tactics") in a "single-player game" and these supposed "several players", who seemingly didn't think this through, shouldn't decide the fate of mechanics and features in said "single-player game".

As many of us have also tried to suggest to you, there are better ways to handle this instead of outright removing the ability to give and take consumables/devices to companions.

While what you changed prevents this from accidentally happening, which is appreciated for the newer players and the older players who were surprised by this change to their inventories, it changes nothing about an incredibly useful feature that you let a minority of exploiters and a group of obtuse players persuade you to remove without considering other alternatives that would have let us keep this feature while also preventing exploiters from taking advantage of it at the companions' expense.

There were changes made to the companions on 12/5/20 that I do not agree with such as devices (consumables) in general along with choice pieces of equipment that certain companions start with no longer being able to be transferred from them yet... you can still transfer devices to them without any way to get them back unless they die.

The developer made a statement regarding the reason behind these changes was due to players—whom I assume were the minority—recruiting companions only for their devices and those pieces of equipment, but what I don't understand is... why punish EVERYONE for a minority's play-style? A lot of us old yet uninformed players and new players will unknowingly give our companions devices only to learn that we cannot get them back without killing them.

If this has to do with the leaderboards, not everyone cares about that and it can easily be disabled or forcefully disabled with optional settings. There were also very reasonable suggestions shared with the developer that were ignored given how much time has passed since they were shared in addition to the fact that these changes still exist in the game as they are.

Lastly, companions used to hold items within their inventory at some point before the game's change in payment model and re-release on Steam, but they will now dump anything—excluding devices that you cannot get back—that you give them on the ground unless they can replace their equipment with it.

These removal of interactive and useful features make me concerned for what else will be removed from this game and made me realize that I'm better off playing the free older versions of this game rather than the paid and up-to-date version that feels more like a downgrade than an upgrade. I'd rather not waste my time with another DCSS—another roguelike with developers keen on removing an abundance of features and mechanics from their game.

"Thematically Zorbus draws influence from the late 70s and early 80s tabletop D&D campaigns, adventures and lore."

Quoted from Zorbus's official website under "A LIVING DUNGEON".

An amazing aspect about Dungeons & Dragons is freedom of interactivity, but it's no longer like Dungeons & Dragons if you keep restricting and removing interactivity.

If you want to play a version of this game without the changes to the devices and equipment for companions, find and download any version of Zorbus before "Release 44".

(Also, to those of you who donated your Steam Points to me via "Jester", thank you. I'm glad my little review offended or upset you enough to decide to spend your Steam Points on me that could have instead been spent on unlocking more cosmetics and trinkets for your account. I'll gladly do that in your place for my own account. Please keep them coming~)
2022년 12월 1일에 게시되었습니다. 2023년 4월 1일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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2023년 1월 20일 오후 4시 00분 에 개발자가 답변함 (답변 보기)
3명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 440.0시간 (평가 당시 434.9시간)
Normally, I don't write reviews unless a game really tugged my at my emotions in a positive or negative way, but Verdict is a unique case that I felt needs to have reviews written for it given the nature of the game. Also, treat my recommendation as neither a Yes nor a No.

Verdict is a MMORPG that truly puts the "RP" in MMO"RP"G. You do not gain XP from killing NPCs (hostile creatures) and you do not gain XP required to level up when you craft—only XP for that specific skill; instead, you gain XP required to level up from role-playing with other players, from waiting for them to finish typing their own role-play (small amounts of XP), and from role-playing with yourself (solo XP There are quite a lot of nifty features Verdict has to offer such as...

  • WIP Age System meant to allow new characters a chance to take up the mantles of what older characters left behind.
  • Agriculture.
  • Consistent or frequent balancing and other updates (changes to the land, races, and the occasional skill/spell trees).
  • Cosmetic clothing.
  • Fishing.
  • Growing list of skills and spells—many to choose between with enough skill and spell points from not having a level cap to get creative with your builds.
  • Housing with decor and storage—some of which are functional for crafting and storage.
  • Nodes for gathering such as herbs, ores, and gems.
  • Racial diversity with customization.

There were three settlements when I started that increased to five, one of which was lost to an event, and settlements can form through RP as well and even be lost to RP (events as an example). RP Events tend to be dynamic and large-scale functions that have the potential to change, create, or destroy landscapes and even characters. This could range from simple expeditions, war between settlements, extraplanar beings invading Sarea, meeting the Spirits of Rhyst, or even meeting and potentially battling an Eidolon (99% chance of death since they're deities). These can be orchestrated by players and staff members with who gets to participate being at their discretion.

There are unfortunately a few bad or unintended things about Verdict such as...

  • Occasional server latency as expected in most online games.
  • The aforementioned causing players to phase through walls and get stuck within them until an Admin/Moderator helps them. (This happens VERY often.)
  • Finite land that expands very little over time meaning what you see and can explore is what you get for an uncertain amount of time. (Sarea is an island.)
  • No roadmap, and despite the balancing and the events, there has been long-standing radio silence about the future of the game ever since my arrival.
  • Events being difficult to stay informed about and participate in due to announcements being in Verdict's Discord server, its separate faction servers, and its forum across multiple channels and subforums. Regarding the latter—participation, I could be absolutely wrong about this, but it feels like there is a general bias regarding who gets to partake in most events.

Now, the community. Community is the most important and integral aspect of games like these—role-playing games—where the community influences almost every aspect of the game through their actions including the themselves and others around them. It is up to them with regard to how hospitable a game such as Verdict will be for newcomers.

When I played for the very first time in 2021, many members of the community were forthcoming and answered any questions I had about the game. Most during that time were warm, welcoming, and made me feel like I was an additional member to their community. My character was liked by those I've met and interacted with beyond just simple greetings IC and they were just as cordial OOC. What I liked most of all was the patience everyone I've met in 2021 showed each other when it came to typing since I'm no Speed Racer when it comes to typing—not everyone is.

As time went on throughout my journey through Verdict, I noticed a few things here and there that I saw previously brought up by others regarding "cliques". These "cliques" did indeed exist, but they weren't as prominent during the time I started. There were a lot of new players (or potentially new characters) at the time of The Convergence which made it easy to find RP without barging into other or older players' RP or friend groups where one would most likely be promptly ignored or dismissed as I've seen others claim to be their experience.

However, after a year passed during my break from the game (which was unfortunately extended due to unforeseen circumstances), I returned saw that a lot of people I spoke with no longer played nor were members of the official Discord server made for Verdict, and I noticed that the community did shift to becoming more inclusive than it was in the past—more so prevalent in the Discord server than in-game where one is still able to find RP here and there if they seek it out. (To add to the beginning of this statement, when I returned, I lost EVERYTHING I had in my character's inventory—equipment and a premium item I purchased with real money. The creator of the game responded to my concern about this and offered to return what I could remember having.)

Based on my present day experiences in its Discord server, you will most likely be ignored unless you have a question regarding the game or shared a controversial suggestion for the game that may spark a fire. You may also be admonished or ostracized for saying something, making a joke, or typing a certain way (certain members of the community kept bothering me about using a tilde as a punctuation mark—which expresses a cheerful or positive tone when used that way—because they associated it with the pornographic context of erotic role-playing. This never happened to me during my time there last year of this review) the current members of the community doesn't like despite the groups ("cliques" as many like to call them) doing much worse. The Discord server isn't as accommodating as it used to be, but it is still a helpful environment ('#questions' and occasionally '#lore-discussion') and a useful source of information—alongside the official forums—when it comes to staying up-to-date with the happenings of Verdict IC (events, notices, and politics) and OOC (balancing and development).

As for my RP experiences within this current year, they have still been pleasant—only somewhat pleasant because approximately 70-80% of the RPs I've had of this year so far were with players that would suddenly AFK frequently in the middle of RP or would frequently tell me OOC that they needed to leave/had somewhere to be which is completely understandable because things do happen IRL or IC that require one's attention, but it did make me feel a smidgen bad that I was never unable to finish RPing with them. It also made me worry if there was an underlying reason related to the fact that I didn't RP responses back to them fast enough. You can still find RP if you provide crafting services to promote yourself or put up notices in "#noticeboards", but unless you don't mind "barging" into others' space, you might be on your lonesome a lot—think of it the way social interaction works IRL.

Due to the nature of the community, I play Verdict in short bursts since the atmosphere can be demotivating, but I personally love Verdict itself and what it has to offer regardless of the community. That is about all I have to share—at least for now until I think of more to add.

To conclude, if you enjoy a MMORPG that places emphasis on the "RP" in its namesake enough to let it influence the world around you and even your character, despite some of the negatives I mentioned above, this game may be for you and you may be the change the community needs.
2022년 9월 14일에 게시되었습니다. 2022년 10월 4일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
이 평가가 유용한가요? 아니요 재미있음 어워드
24명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 2.7시간 (평가 당시 0.3시간)
Steamworks. That is my only issue with this software.

Aside from Steamworks, it functions as advertised and offers a wealth of options within a convenient and intuitive user interface for customizing or handling whichever game we want in borderless fullscreen.

If you do not mind Steam showing that you are playing Magic Borderless instead of the game you are actually playing, which may potentially prevent you from earning achievements for that game or inviting friends to play that game with you if it is a co-op or multiplayer game, I recommend choosing this software over Borderless Gaming which I was hoping this software would replace.

I will change my attitude towards this software when the developer of this software discovers a sufficient way to surmount Steamworks.
2020년 1월 3일에 게시되었습니다. 2020년 1월 3일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
이 평가가 유용한가요? 아니요 재미있음 어워드
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